The Last Days of Jack Sheppard
Set in the wake of Britain’s first financial crisis, the South Sea Bubble of 1720, and based on the inferred prison encounters between the thief Jack Sheppard and the writer Daniel Defoe, this critical costume drama traces connections between fiction, speculation and aesthetics.
Set in the wake of Britain’s first financial crisis, the South Sea Bubble of 1720, and based on the inferred prison encounters between the thief Jack Sheppard and the writer Daniel Defoe, this critical costume drama traces connections between fiction, speculation and aesthetics.
Mark Tinter
Jack Sheppard
Donal Cox
Daniel Defoe
Guy Henderson
Applebee & Harlequin
Rebecca Wieland
Elizabeth Lyon & Lady Credit
Frederic Azzopardi
Rufus Graham
Devereux & Stockjobber
Archie Christian
Carpenter #1 & Stockjobber
Errol Flynn
Carpenter #2 & Stockjobber
Kieran Gordon
Geoff Regan
Jack Ketch, the Executioner
Susan Gallivan
Mrs. Sheppard
William Fowler
Soldier #1
Mark Harwood
Soldier #2
Doug Shearer
Clifford Allison
Master Wood & Rummer
Peter Hurley
Page the Butcher
Duncan Mahon
Sykes alias Hell & Fury
Peter Suchin
Hack Journalist
Yvonne Harvell
Drinker in Tavern
Tim Goldie
Masked Reveller & Stockjobber
Sebastian Loseley Williams
Sir James Thornhill
Maya Lubinsky
Masked Lady #1
Tammy Saunder
Masked Lady #2