Cartoon Noir
Six animated shorts eschew traditional animation by featuring supernatural elements and darker themes, such as alien snatchings, life among mannequins and a spiritual rebirth. Among the films are "Ape," which features a couple fighting over a cooked monkey every night; "The Story of the Cat and the Moon," which is a tale of unrequited love; and "Gentle Spirit," which is based on a Fyodor Dostoyevsky story.
Six animated shorts eschew traditional animation by featuring supernatural elements and darker themes, such as alien snatchings, life among mannequins and a spiritual rebirth. Among the films are "Ape," which features a couple fighting over a cooked monkey every night; "The Story of the Cat and the Moon," which is a tale of unrequited love; and "Gentle Spirit," which is based on a Fyodor Dostoyevsky story.
Tales of the Dead
6.5Cave of Forgotten Dreams
7.1Dick Tracy
6.1The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
8.0Fight Club
8.4The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
8.5The Big Lebowski
7.8The Parent Trap
7.0Autumn Sonata
7.0The Third Man
7.1Basket Case 2
5.7Lola's Secret
7.3Human Nature
6.0Mildred Pierce
7.5A View of Love
5.9Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
8.1Touch of Evil