American independent filmmaker Melvin James makes his feature debut with the low-budget sports drama Honeybee. Soap opera actress Senait Ashenafi stars as Brianna Dukes, an upper middle-class college student who decides to drop out of school and become a professional boxer despite the fact that she is a complete novice. Her upwardly mobile father Larry Dukes strongly disapproves of her decision. However, Brianna finds support from her trainer Pablo Rodriquez and starts boxing under the name "Honeybee." Eventually she has to prove herself in the big match against her rival, champion lesbian fighter Rhonda "Lady D" Andrews.
American independent filmmaker Melvin James makes his feature debut with the low-budget sports drama Honeybee. Soap opera actress Senait Ashenafi stars as Brianna Dukes, an upper middle-class college student who decides to drop out of school and become a professional boxer despite the fact that she is a complete novice. Her upwardly mobile father Larry Dukes strongly disapproves of her decision. However, Brianna finds support from her trainer Pablo Rodriquez and starts boxing under the name "Honeybee." Eventually she has to prove herself in the big match against her rival, champion lesbian fighter Rhonda "Lady D" Andrews.
Senait Ashenafi
James Avery
Chrystale Wilson
Nina Ahlin's Fight promotor
Antwan Mills
Roxzane T. Mims
Ms. Walker
Pierre Perea
Gayle Samuels
Jamie Poppingo
Pierre Perea
Pablo Rodriquez
Tamika Jones
Corinne Van Ryck de Groot
Rhonda 'Lady D' Andrews
Victor Carr
Kenny Love
Shantilata Stone
Working Girl #1
Marie Davis
Working Girl #2
Sonja Bird
Dancer #1
Trinita Turner
Dancer #2
Therese Dray-Jones
Dana DeGayle
Stacy Jones
Tia Mims
Opponent #1
Nina Ahlin
Leslie Boston
Lady D's Trainer