commissioned by an online gallery space founded by Harrison James > SEARCH, CLICK (as Lady Shalott did) < --- she viewed the world through (mirrors) (filters) // we view through reflection of the screen; filter of information tubes --- Concerning the matters of: Roland Barthe's: 'A Lover's Discourse' John William Waterhouse's: 'The Lady of Shalott' (I Am Half-Sick of Shadows
commissioned by an online gallery space founded by Harrison James > SEARCH, CLICK (as Lady Shalott did) < --- she viewed the world through (mirrors) (filters) // we view through reflection of the screen; filter of information tubes --- Concerning the matters of: Roland Barthe's: 'A Lover's Discourse' John William Waterhouse's: 'The Lady of Shalott' (I Am Half-Sick of Shadows