Penjuru 5 Santri
Sabar, Wahyu, Slamet, Sugeng and Rahayu live in Selopamioro Village, 40 km south of Yogyakarta. Five friends who live in this simplicity still have a high spirit to gain knowledge. When the sun comes up they go to school barefoot, cross the river and walk a few kilometers, and at dusk they come to recite the Koran at the Islamic boarding school by torchlight. At first, Sabar did not allow his grandmother to attend the Koran at the Islamic boarding school because she had to help him find firewood and grass for the goats. Patience and asking Kyai Landung to persuade grandmother, so Patience can attend the recitation. One day, five friends accidentally found something odd in the middle of a teak forest.
Sabar, Wahyu, Slamet, Sugeng and Rahayu live in Selopamioro Village, 40 km south of Yogyakarta. Five friends who live in this simplicity still have a high spirit to gain knowledge. When the sun comes up they go to school barefoot, cross the river and walk a few kilometers, and at dusk they come to recite the Koran at the Islamic boarding school by torchlight. At first, Sabar did not allow his grandmother to attend the Koran at the Islamic boarding school because she had to help him find firewood and grass for the goats. Patience and asking Kyai Landung to persuade grandmother, so Patience can attend the recitation. One day, five friends accidentally found something odd in the middle of a teak forest.
Rendy Khrisna
Gus Prass
Yati Surachman
Mbah Satir
Roy Marten
Pak Lurah
Baron Hermanto
Orang Gila
Pong Harjatmo
Pimpinan Residivis
Bapaknya Sugeng
Ferry Salim
Rizqullah Daffa
Nurul Shanty
Audrick Ardian Pratama
Nocky Ezra
Bowie Putra Mukti
Iwan Gardiawan
Pak RT
Kukuh Riyadi
Mahasiswa 1
Ika Rahmawati
Mahasiswa 2
Chandra Sundawa
Anak Buah Residivis
Mas Badai
Anak Buah Residivis
Yono Siul
Anak Buah Residivis
Komandan Polisi
Hari Purnomo
Warga 1
Topo Broto
Warga 2
Bambang Foto
Warga 3
Pak Joko
Warga 4
Bu Joko
Warga 5
Ajudan Kyai
Mas Evak
Ajudan Kyai
Ajudan Kyai
Wawan UGM
Ajudan Kyai
Agus Nurdiana
Ajudan Kyai
M. Essa Luthfani Cendekia
Sayev M. Billah
RR. Renita Karina Dewi
Aviza Nurrafa
D. Zawawi Imron
Kyai & Sastrawan asal Sumenep