Let God Kill the Spies
Five centuries of persecution and the struggle of the Macedonian people for freedom and an independent Macedonian state in which freedom will reign equally for all, have created their own myth and tradition for themselves. The struggles, sufferings, betrayals and self-sacrifice were later translated and woven through Macedonian songs, stories, tales and plays. Starting from there, this TV movie approaches the events of that time.
Five centuries of persecution and the struggle of the Macedonian people for freedom and an independent Macedonian state in which freedom will reign equally for all, have created their own myth and tradition for themselves. The struggles, sufferings, betrayals and self-sacrifice were later translated and woven through Macedonian songs, stories, tales and plays. Starting from there, this TV movie approaches the events of that time.
Vasil Šiškov
Blagoja Spirkoski-Džumerko
Dušan Kostovski
Bajrush Mjaku
Eljesa Kaso
Biljana Taneska
Petre Arsovski
Čedo Hristov
Salaetin Bilal
Džemail Maksut
Mitko Apostolovski
Mustafa Jašar
Vane Melev
Petar Dimoski
Ljubica Gojković
Živko Peševski
Ilija Strumenikovski
Krste Jovanovski
Trajče Ivanoski
Marjan Čakmakoski
Dimitar Vandeski
Blagoja Ivčeski
Mitko Kostov
Branko Gjorchev
Kire Pečijarevski
Kiril Psaltirov
Aleksandar Šehtanski
Andon Jovanoski
Valentina Prodanova
Blaže Aleksoski
Atila Klince
Najdo Todeski
Josif Josifovski
Goran Ilikj
Fehmi Grubi
Aleksandar Mikikj
Ratko Gavrilović
Božo Sofronievski
Kire Georgiev
Spase Nelov
Todor Nikolovski
Petar Prličko
Ilija Džuvalekovski
Ilija Milčin
Kiro Kjortošev
Mahmut Ramadan