A Little Bit of Lippy
When working-class Liverpudlian Rick Fairley reveals his long-standing interest in cross-dressing to his wife, Marian, she is understandably surprised -- as are her parents, Reggie and Alma Titherington. But, as Rick's eye-opening interest leads the long-stagnant Fairleys into titillating new romantic territory, the couple find that a little bit of lipstick goes a long way when it comes to reinvigorating their marriage.
When working-class Liverpudlian Rick Fairley reveals his long-standing interest in cross-dressing to his wife, Marian, she is understandably surprised -- as are her parents, Reggie and Alma Titherington. But, as Rick's eye-opening interest leads the long-stagnant Fairleys into titillating new romantic territory, the couple find that a little bit of lipstick goes a long way when it comes to reinvigorating their marriage.
Alison Swann
Marian Fairley
Danny Cunningham
Rick Fairley
Rachel Davies
Alma Titherington
Kenneth Cranham
Reggie Titherington
Elizabeth Bradley
Great Aunt Annie
Nicola Jerath
Baby Jason
Rachel Jerath
Baby Jason
Bette Bourne
Venus Lamour
Tina Earl
Maureen McCormack
Cliff Howell
Hilary McCormack
Robert MacGregor
McCormack Twin
Rory McGregor
McCormack Twin
Sandra Gough
Fine Time Fontayne
Alan David
Mr. Cartwright
Krystle Goehel
The Fairy
Kim Johnson
Ina Clough
Woman in Launderette
Paul Cox
Hard Boy
Simon Devine
Hard Boy