One Fall
Set in the rustic Midwestern town of One Fall, the film tells the story of a man, James (Marcus Dean Fuller), who miraculously survived a horrific fall from a spectacular 200 foot-high cliff and was never heard from again. However, three years after vanishing James chooses to return to his hometown of One Fall -- but he returns a changed man. For an incomprehensible reason James has developed supernatural healing abilities since the fall. He must decide whether to use his abilities to help the ones he once turned his back on, or to continue running from his mysterious past.
Set in the rustic Midwestern town of One Fall, the film tells the story of a man, James (Marcus Dean Fuller), who miraculously survived a horrific fall from a spectacular 200 foot-high cliff and was never heard from again. However, three years after vanishing James chooses to return to his hometown of One Fall -- but he returns a changed man. For an incomprehensible reason James has developed supernatural healing abilities since the fall. He must decide whether to use his abilities to help the ones he once turned his back on, or to continue running from his mysterious past.
Marcus Dean Fuller
James Bond / The Janitor
Zoe McLellan
Julie Gardner
Seamus Mulcahy
Tab Barrows / Repeller Boy
James McCaffrey
Werber Bond
Mark LaMura
Cliff Bond
Dominic Fumusa
Tom Schmidt
Mark Margolis
Walter Grigg Sr.
Phyllis Somerville
LeeAnne Hutchison
Susie Schmidt
Audrey Amey
Nurse Hencheck
Dean Silvers
Security Guard
Sarah Wilson
Keli Price
Tyler Silvers
5.0A Boy Called Po
6.8What's New, Scooby-Doo? Vol. 7: Ghosts on the Go!
4.5The Work Wife
6.4Kill Shot
9.3My Daughter's Psycho Friend
6.1WWE WrestleMania XXIV
8.1What's New, Scooby-Doo? Vol. 7: Ready to Scare
6.8Secrets in the Water
7.4The No Man Zone. The Movie
9.5The United Monster Talent Agency