Marker is an American hour long television drama that premiered on the UPN on March 20, 1995. It is set in and was filmed in Hawaii. The series focuses on Richard DeMorra, a man given a strange inheritance from his late father: markers which were given in the past by his father to those who had helped him achieve his success. He receives these once per episode from one of those people, leading him on varied adventures as he tries to follow through on his father's legacy. Other members of the cast include Gates McFadden, who playes his father's young widow, and Andy Bumatai as a helpful local character, Danny Kahala. The show lasted for 13 episodes and was advertised with the tagline: "America's Coolest Hero."
Marker is an American hour long television drama that premiered on the UPN on March 20, 1995. It is set in and was filmed in Hawaii. The series focuses on Richard DeMorra, a man given a strange inheritance from his late father: markers which were given in the past by his father to those who had helped him achieve his success. He receives these once per episode from one of those people, leading him on varied adventures as he tries to follow through on his father's legacy. Other members of the cast include Gates McFadden, who playes his father's young widow, and Andy Bumatai as a helpful local character, Danny Kahala. The show lasted for 13 episodes and was advertised with the tagline: "America's Coolest Hero."
6.8Chicago Fire
8.4Marvel's Luke Cage
6.9Flower of Evil
6.5Love Mechanics
8.1Tyler Perry's The Oval
8.2Dark Shadows
7.7DC's Legends of Tomorrow
7.3De brutas nada
8.1Stairway to Heaven
7.5Fast N' Loud
6.8Piel de otoño
7.3Mi corazón es tuyo
8.0Hijas de la luna... y la familia cambió
7.8Pretty Little Liars
8.0The Lieutenant
7.8The Fosters