Six friends who were extremely closely knit in their college days reunite for Tanya's bachelor party in Madhupur. However, all six of them are bound by a horrifying incident which had torn them apart for years. The reunion serves to rake up the trauma afresh, turning an idyllic trip into a dangerous cat-and-mouse game. The friends embark on a round of Mafia, the popular game which many of us enjoyed playing in our childhood. Instead of serving as a bonding activity, the game brings out the worst in them, fuelling each of them to act on their hidden agendas filled with deceit and betrayal.
Six friends who were extremely closely knit in their college days reunite for Tanya's bachelor party in Madhupur. However, all six of them are bound by a horrifying incident which had torn them apart for years. The reunion serves to rake up the trauma afresh, turning an idyllic trip into a dangerous cat-and-mouse game. The friends embark on a round of Mafia, the popular game which many of us enjoyed playing in our childhood. Instead of serving as a bonding activity, the game brings out the worst in them, fuelling each of them to act on their hidden agendas filled with deceit and betrayal.
Breathe: Into the Shadows
7.2Theory of Love
7.6Christopher Columbus
5.8Midnight Series: Moonlight Chicken
8.0Folk 2022
4.0알아두면 쓸데있는 범죄 잡학사전
8.0The Warp Effect
8.4Dream Dimension Hunter Fandora
3.5Top Chef VIP
7.1Our Better World
6.5Angel Beats!
7.9Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious
8.3Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs
7.5Daa! Daa! Daa! UFO Baby
8.5Pseudo Harem
8.0Young Black Jack
8.0Noddy In Toyland
6.7Animal Life: Young & Wild