All Star Secrets
All Star Secrets is an NBC daytime game show that aired from January 8 to August 10, 1979. A Hill-Eubanks Production, the show was hosted by co-creator Bob Eubanks and announced first by Charlie O'Donnell, but due to conflicts with his announcing duties on Wheel Of Fortune, he was later replaced by Tony McClay, who was a sub-announcer on Eubanks' famed game show The Newlywed Game.
All Star Secrets is an NBC daytime game show that aired from January 8 to August 10, 1979. A Hill-Eubanks Production, the show was hosted by co-creator Bob Eubanks and announced first by Charlie O'Donnell, but due to conflicts with his announcing duties on Wheel Of Fortune, he was later replaced by Tony McClay, who was a sub-announcer on Eubanks' famed game show The Newlywed Game.
LoveLive! Superstar!!
8.2Love Live! Sunshine!!
8.2LEGO Star Wars : The Resistance Rises
6.3A Certain Scientific Railgun
7.3Welcome to Irabu's Office
8.0WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me
8.3The Helpful Fox Senko-san
8.5A Sister's All You Need
7.8Yuri or Another
5.8Himouto! Umaru-chan
8.3Marnow Murders
7.1Wrong Carriage Right Groom
6.0Demon Lord, Retry!
7.8Don Quijote de la Mancha
8.2Magias Academy Ataraxia Hybrid × Heart
8.1Sapne Vs Everyone