O'Grady is an animated television show created by Tom Snyder and Carl Adams and developed for TV by co-star Holly Schlesinger. It was the first original animated series for Noggin's teen block, The N. The show stars Melissa Bardin Galsky and H. Jon Benjamin, among other Soup2nuts Productions alumni, as high school students Abby and Kevin, and chronicles their lives along with those of other residents of O'Grady, a fictional town which is periodically plagued by "The Weirdness." The Weirdness affects its residents in strange ways such as projecting their private thoughts in bubbles over their heads, or producing clones of themselves every time they get angry. The random changes in the show's logo explains the plot.
O'Grady is an animated television show created by Tom Snyder and Carl Adams and developed for TV by co-star Holly Schlesinger. It was the first original animated series for Noggin's teen block, The N. The show stars Melissa Bardin Galsky and H. Jon Benjamin, among other Soup2nuts Productions alumni, as high school students Abby and Kevin, and chronicles their lives along with those of other residents of O'Grady, a fictional town which is periodically plagued by "The Weirdness." The Weirdness affects its residents in strange ways such as projecting their private thoughts in bubbles over their heads, or producing clones of themselves every time they get angry. The random changes in the show's logo explains the plot.
My Family
7.0Black Mirror
8.3Game of Thrones
8.5The Walking Dead
8.1Stranger Things
8.6Money Heist
8.2Six Feet Under
8.1The Mandalorian
6.9The Last of Us
8.2Peaky Blinders
8.5The OA
7.5Breaking Bad
8.3Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5The Boss Baby: Back in Business
7.1The Simpsons
8.7The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air