15 Episodes
The Northern Division of "Mantis Pugilism" select a representative to attend a Kung Fu Competitive. CHENG SUN is so partial and send CHENG -KWONG CHUNG to the competition. KWONG CHUNG knows that KEUNG CHUN PUNK's Kung Fu is better than him and so he refuses. However, CHUN PUNK wants to fulfil CHENG SUN and thus, he let KWONG CHUNG attend the competition. CHENG SUN leads his followers to visit WONG LONG and meet FOK YIU NAM. Conflict arises between the Northern and Southern Divisions. The strength of the two groups are so equal that they respect each other. During the competition, CHENG SUN makes a crafty device towards YIU NAM. NAM is so angry and kills KWONG CHUNG unintentionally. CHENG SUN feels regret on CHUNG' death, thus, he passes the leadership to CH UN PUNK to resolve the conflict between the South and North, CHUN PUNK wants to challenge YIU NAM.… ...
December 5, 1994YIU NAM wants to win the rivalry, so , he eats the medicine in advance. Unfortunately, those medicine are too powerful and harmful that YIU NAM die. NAM's followers mistakenly think CHUN PUNK has killed NAM. Only SUK HAN knows the truth. SUK HAN passes away after a twin brother & sister are born. Before she dies, she asks CHUN PUNK to look after her children. CHUN PUNK fears CHENG SUN will hurt the babies, so, he asks WAH SUK takes the babies to Beijing. Ten-year afterwards, the twin brother and sister grow up. They get WAH SUK's Surname, call LAU WAN and LAU YIN. They have a good friend, AH MAN. One day, whilst WAN and MAN are catching crickets, they meet the fugitives LITTLE BUI LAK, CHEUNG LUNG and LEE FU. LUNG and FU intend to kill WAN and MAN but LITTLE BUI LAK resist and let them go. LAU WAN meet CHOI AUG and tell him about LITTLE PUI LAK. AUG goes find him. Meanwhile, MA YEE and the gang arrive.… ...
December 6, 1994MA YEE wants to kill LAU WAN and fortunately CHUN PUNK rescue him in time. In the meantime, AUG's reinforcements arrive. MA YEE loss and submits suicide. However, WAH SUK is being killed during the rivalry. CHUN PUNK feels WAN, YIN and MAN poor and destitute, and asks them to go to Beijing with him. CHUN PUNK takes them home. AH NGOR thinks WAN and YIN are PUNK's bastards and quarrels with PUNK. This embarrass WAN and YIN. They also query their relationship with PUNK. Due to different living habits, conflicts always happen between WAN and NGOR. Only LAU YIN and KEUNG CHING of the same age group have an agreeable chat. KEUNG WAI is angry because his cricket is defeated by SIU WING1s one. WING's limbs are broken by WAI. WING's father, SIU SAM bursts his anger to CHUN PUNK. LAU WAN and AH MAN are the witnesses of the issue. SIU SAM forces CH UN PUNK to break KEUNG WAI’s limbs or he will report to the official.… ...
December 7, 1994LAU WAN and AH MAN living in KEUNG's home, are always insulted by AH NGOR and KEUNG WAI. They are angry, but keep quite because they appreciate the chance of learning Kung Fu very much. CHOI AUG visits CHUN PUNK and asks him to be his master. CHUN PUNK is impressed by AUG's sincerity. He decides to break the rule and let AUG be his student. LAU WAN asks CHOI AUG to settle the conflict between SIU SAM and CHUN PUNK. Though CHUN PUNK expresses his grateful to CHOI AUG, he still punishes KEUNG WAI hoarsely. LAU WAN begs CHUN PUNK to be his master but PUNK refuses. WAN and MAN therefore, peep at PUNK and WAI while they are play Kung Fu. Unfortunately, it is disclosed by KEUNG CHING. CH UN PUNK is reluctant to tell truth that, it is WAN's mother who do not allow them to learn Kung Fu. So, he promise to teach WAN Kung Fu only if he can firmly sit on a three-leg bench under his attack. LAU YIN is being robbed at street.… ...
December 8, 1994Queering LAU WAN being CHUN PUNK's bastard, ‧AH NGOR always makes trouble out of nothing. LAU WAN no longer tolerates and tries to find the truth from CHUN PUNK. PUNK refuses to disclose WAN’s history. He only compare the blood group with WAN to prove that there’s no kinship between them. To repay CHUN PUNK, LAU WAN decides to work at KEUNG IS home for a month. One day, an accident happens when WAN pull the car for KEUNG CHING. Owing to this, they both have a deeper understanding on each other. YUEN SAl HOI holds a Kung Fu Contest and invites many famous guys coming from the crowd. CHUN PUNK is one of them. SAl HOI makes a plan to convince the attendants that he is the real king. Only CHUN PUNK queries about this. VIP TIN SHING wants to take the revenge on CH UN PUNK but he's not in. TIN SHING goes away after he defeats KEUNG WAI. KEUNG WAI is angry about this. So, he hurts TIN SHING together with CHENG SUN.… ...
December 9, 1994LAU WAN tries to learn Kung Fu everywhere after he leaves the KEUNG1s family. Due to his relationship with CHUN PUNK, he is being refused. Consequently, HUNG CHUNG gives shelter to them because he is attracted by LAU YIN. HUNG CHUNG attempts to violate LAU YIN. LAU WAN AND AH MAN try to resist but fail. They seek help from CHUN PUNK and finally rescue LAU YIN. LAU WAN is unwilling to let YIN and MAN wander everywhere, thus, he let the two follow CHUN PUNK. CHOI AUG wants to return to Wannam and so, he say goodbye to CHUNG and HUNG. CHOI AUG and KIM HUNG miss each other because they already fall in love. KEUNG CHING has not hear from LAU WAN for a long time and she worries very much. She is released after she knows LAU WAN is earning a living by pulling car. Wishing to win the Kung Fu Contest, KEUNG WAI seeks help from AH NGOR and learns Southern Mantis Pugilism secretly. LAU WAN meets the mad TIN SHING.… ...
December 12, 1994LAU WAN is angry when he knows CHUN PUNK is the one who kill his father. He tries to assassinate CHUN PUNK but fails. He even gets hurt and finally faints at LAU YIN's bedroom. LAU YIN and AH MAN want to steal some medicine for WAN and tries to tell him the whole story. However, LAU WAN doesn't believe and he leads YIN and MAN to leave. KIM HUNG persuades CHUN PUNK to attend the Kung Fu Contest but PUNK refuses. On the other hand, KEUNG WAI is very interested. He assists KIM HUNG to arrange the contest and wait for the opportunity to take part in the competition. LAU WAN learns the Southern Mantis Pugilism under TIN SHING's instruction. His Kung Fu improves greatly and starts calling himself. FOK YIN but he is being retreated by WAN. KEUNG CHING visits FOK WAN. WAN tells her about his identity and breaks their KEUNG CHING tries to prove with CH UN PUNK. CHUN PUNK recognises but he ask CHING to keep the secret.… ...
December 13, 1994FOK WAN can1t afford YIN to see a doctor even though. She is getting worse. To give them a free hand, KEUNG WAI fights against FOK WAN and defeats him. So, he takes YIN to see the doctor and arrange her to refresh. FOK YIN is greatly impressed by WAI. KEUNG WAI takes the chance to arrange the Kung Fu Contest to get close with KIM HUNG. CHEUNG BILL looks through WAI's aim and tries to insult WAI. KEUNG WAI is very angry and he goes find FOK YIN. An intimate relationship is developed between the two. SIU SAM and HUNG CHUNG1s son insult the Mantis Pugilism publicly. TIN SHING is so angry that he hurts the crowd. SIU SAM and HUNG CHUNG think it is done by CHUN PUNK. They goes find PUNK but TIN SHING is not in. To resist CH UN PUNK attend the contest, KEUNG WAI pretends to be TIN SHING and hurts many people. All the people search for TIN SHING. To rescue TIN SHING, CHUN PUNK starts a harsh rivalry with SIU SAM and HUNG ‧CHUNG.… ...
December 14, 1994CHUN PUNK thinks TIN SHING is pushed down by KEUNG WAI. WAI carefully deceives the truth. FOK WAN takes the revenge on CHUN PUNK but his identity is being disclosed to CHENG SUN. CHENG SUN wants to kill FOK WAN but CH UN PUNK resists. AH MAN takes WAN away in time. CHUN PUNK wants to tell WAN about the cartel between him and YIN NAM. But KEUNG WAI tries to kill WAN whilst he is on the way. Fortunately, FOK WAN is able to release from danger. FOK WAN, FOK YIN and AH MAN remit TIN SHING while they escape to an abandoned hut. TIN SHING retains his memory and starts teaching WAN's Southern Mantis Pugilism again. KONG PU leads a group to attend the contest. However, CHU MUK disturbs everywhere and challenge CHUN PUNK. KONG PU, and KIM HUNG arrive in time and resist the fighting.KIM HUNG gets the opportunity to persuade CHUN PUNK join the competition and he promises. The Kung Fu Contest starts. CHU MUK defeats SIU SAM and HUNG CHUNG.… ...
December 15, 1994There is a harsh rivalry between CHUN PUNK and CHU MUK. Finally, PUNK win the contest. At that moment, TIN SHING arrives and fights against PUNK. KEUNG WAI helps punk whilst FOK WAN comes. A severe conflict commences. KEUNG WAI displays the Southern Mantis Pugilism which surprised everyone. FOK WAN loses and goes away. CHUN PUNK wants to kill KEUNG WAI but is resisted by AH NGOR and KEUNG CHING. CHUN PUNK doesn’t insist on killing WAI, but he still tries to break WAI’s limbs. KEUNG WAI counter-attacks and finally escapes. CHUN PUNK decides to cease their kinship. TIN SHING hurts seriously and passes away. Before he dies, he asks FOK WAN goes find CHAN FORK to learn the Southern Mantis Pugilism. FOK WAN feels very sorry. SAl HOI knows KEUNG WAI’s weakness as being greedy. He helps him to be the leader of secret spy. KEUNG WAI is so proud of himself. Even CHENG SUN follows him to join the secret spy. FOK YIN becomes pregnant.… ...
December 16, 1994KEUNG WAI breaks WAN's hands. In the meantime, KEUNG CHING arrives and forces WAI to release WAN. But CHEUNG SUN still goes on chasing FOK WAN. To be safe, KEUNG CHING arranges WAN and MAN to live at Leader LAM's home. Leader LAM assists WAN leaving Beijing but CHEUNG SUN arrives in time. To save FOK WAN, Leader LAM is being killed. WAN and MAN escape successfully with CHING's assistance. However, FOK WAN still misunderstands CHING. He embroils CHING and departs. CHING is very sad. SAl HOI wants to recover the empirical system. Being afraid of CHOI AUG, he asks KEUNG WAI induces AUG to return to Beijing. CHOI AUG is being supervised and kept off immediately. CHOI AUG seeks help from KIM HUNG. Owing to KEUNG WAI, AUG misunderstands KIM HUNG and feels disappointed. CHUN PUNK assists CHOI AUG escape during his birthday. Unfortunately, CHU MUK discovers and catches CHOI AUG again.… ...
December 19, 1994CHU MUK hits CHUN PUNK and his legs become disabled. KEUNG WAI feels regret and decides to resign. However, CHEUNG SUN keeps encouraging and SAl HOI promises to promote him. Thus, KEUNG WAI changes his mind. With SAl HOl’s order, KEUNG WAI compels the crowds to support the restoration of imperial government, but they all refuse. KEUNG WAI and CHU MUK hurts them. The two leave until CHUN PUNK arrives. KEUNG WAI courts KIM HUNG but HUNG rails at him harsely. He feels discouraged. KEUNG WAI uses KIM HUNG's magazine to promote the imperial government. KIM HUNG is angry and decides to wind up the publication. CHOI AUG doesn't know the story and keeps on misunderstanding KIM HUNG. CHOI AUG entertains at a brothel and meets LITTER FUNG SIN by chance. They both respects each other. Suspecting FUNG SIN may be the spy of SAl HOI, CHOI ague is reluctant to tell her the true identity.… ...
December 20, 1994FOK WAN feels disappointed and breaks his own arms. At that time, WONG SHEUNG comes. He finds FOK WAN is very suitable to learn Mantis Pugilism. Thus he asks SO SIU TIN to cure WAN. WAN1s hands recover, but, he refuses to learn pugilism. He bids farewell to WONG SHEUNG and then, return to FOK YUEN House. On the way, he sees some Japanese flighty with HO WAI and the others. The Japanese even occupy FOK YUEN House. Form the implication of this affair, FOK WAN recognises the importance of learning Kung Fu. Consequently, he accepts WONG SHEUNG to his tutor. In one occasion, FOK WAN realizes the drunken Mantis Pugilism. His Kung Fu improves greatly. As time goes by, CHOI AUG and FUNG SIN understands each other very much. They have an agreeable chat. KIM HUNG is unhappy after knowing this. SAl HOI signs the contract with Japanese aiming at restoring the imperial government.… ...
December 21, 1994SAl HOI being in league with Japanese is disclosed and arouses drastic objections. SAl HOI investigates and suspects KIM HUNG very much. KIM HUNG keeps calm and deceives SAl HOI. FOK WAN returns to Beijing and goes find CHUN PUNK. Rivalry starts between WAN and KEUNG WAI. CHEUNG SUN shoots at WAN but AH MAN dies. Being injuries, FOK WAN faints on the way of escape. KEUNG CHING saves him. SAl HOI makes a plan to test CHOI AUG and FUNG SIN accompanies him. SAl HOI finds out that CHOI AUG has totally lost his confidence and become loyal to him. FOK WAN assassinates KEUNG WAI but he is attacked by CHENG SUN and his followers. KIM HUNG is eager to be the hostage and lets FOK WAN escapes. KEUNG WAI and CHEUNG BILL want to test CHOI AUG again. FUNG SIN is so alert that they can escape in time. CHOI AUG decides to leave Beijing in such a dangerous circumstances. CHUN PUNK begs FOK WAN to protect CHOI AUG on the way.… ...
December 22, 1994FOK WAN resists CH UN PUNK to commit suicide. CHUN PUNK shows WAN the agreement made with YIU NAM and the Southern Mantis Pugilism Record. After that, FOK WAN understands the whole story and forgives PUNK. They burns the record and the agreement. Furthermore, WAN promises to assist CHOI AUG. On the other hand, KEUNG WAI tries to arrest FOK WAN. To save WAN, CHUN PUNK is killed by CHU MUK. KEUNG WAI also kills CHU MUK angrily. WAN escapes in the confusion. SAl HOI calls himself the emperor and gives titles to his followers. Besides, he promises to arrange the marriage between KEUNG WAI and KIM HUNG. KEUNG WAI is very happy but CHOI AUG insults him. CHOI AUG and KIM HUNG worships CHUN PUNK. By the chance, KIM HUNG expresses her love towards AUG. The misunderstanding between them is resolved. In the meantime, FOK WAN appears and promises to assist CHOI AUG leaving Beijing.… ...
December 23, 1994