Fireside Theater
Fireside Theater is an American anthology drama series that ran on NBC from 1949 to 1958, and was the first successful filmed series on American television. Stories were low budget and often based on public domain stories or written by freelance writers such as Rod Serling. While it was panned by critics, it remained in the top ten most popular shows for most of its run. It predated the other major pioneer of filmed TV in America, I Love Lucy, by two years.
Fireside Theater is an American anthology drama series that ran on NBC from 1949 to 1958, and was the first successful filmed series on American television. Stories were low budget and often based on public domain stories or written by freelance writers such as Rod Serling. While it was panned by critics, it remained in the top ten most popular shows for most of its run. It predated the other major pioneer of filmed TV in America, I Love Lucy, by two years.
Total Drama All-Stars and Pahkitew Island
6.4Colin & Justin's Home Heist
5.3Por el nombre de Dios
8.0Murders of Cape Town
7.0Just Add Magic: Mystery City
8.1B-Robo Kabutack
7.3Channel 4's Comedy Gala
8.5Guy's Chance of a Lifetime
5.5The Art Beat
7.0This Week
7.0Screen One
7.0Left-Handed Wife
4.0History Hunter
6.0Genji Tsuushin Agedama
7.0Kung Pwede Lang
10.0Friedmanns Vier
6.0Yoasobi Gurashi!