Wordplay is an American game show which ran on NBC from December 29, 1986 to September 4, 1987. It was hosted by Tom Kennedy and announced by Charlie O'Donnell. The show was produced by Scotti Bros.-Syd Vinnedge Television in association with Fiedler-Berlin Productions and Rick Ambrose Productions. The show is notable for replacing the long-running soap opera Search For Tomorrow on the NBC schedule.
Wordplay is an American game show which ran on NBC from December 29, 1986 to September 4, 1987. It was hosted by Tom Kennedy and announced by Charlie O'Donnell. The show was produced by Scotti Bros.-Syd Vinnedge Television in association with Fiedler-Berlin Productions and Rick Ambrose Productions. The show is notable for replacing the long-running soap opera Search For Tomorrow on the NBC schedule.
4.4Animal Life: Young & Wild
8.5The Hills: New Beginnings
7.5The Slippery Path
8.7Sit Al-Hosn
7.2Love From Divorce
0.0You Can Do Magic
7.0Days of Honor - Powstanie
7.4Miss Marple: The Moving Finger
7.5Naruto Shippūden
8.5Hitting Home
10.0Stiletto Vendetta
6.1Os Aspones
8.8Troubles All Aboard!
5.0Degrassi High
8.5The Mill on the Floss
5.5Top Secret Together The Series