The High Chaparral
The High Chaparral is an American Western-themed television series starring Leif Erickson and Cameron Mitchell which aired on NBC from 1967 to 1971. The series, made by Xanadu Productions in association with NBC Productions, was created by David Dortort, who had previously created the hit Bonanza for the network. The theme song was also written and conducted by Bonanza scorer David Rose, who also scored the two-hour pilot.
The High Chaparral is an American Western-themed television series starring Leif Erickson and Cameron Mitchell which aired on NBC from 1967 to 1971. The series, made by Xanadu Productions in association with NBC Productions, was created by David Dortort, who had previously created the hit Bonanza for the network. The theme song was also written and conducted by Bonanza scorer David Rose, who also scored the two-hour pilot.
Monty Python's Flying Circus
8.2The Invaders
8.2Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Money Heist
8.2Black Mirror
8.3Stranger Things
8.6Breaking Bad
8.9The Walking Dead
8.1The Mandalorian
8.3Game of Thrones
8.7The Simpsons
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8.0The Seven Deadly Sins
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8.5Twin Peaks