The Kids from Room 402
The Kids from Room 402 is a television program that originally aired on Fox Family in the USA starting in 1999, previously aired on Teletoon, and currently airs in the UK. The show is focused primarily on the students from Room 402, as the title implies. Miss Graves, the teacher, is usually shown as an interlocutor in the problems and injustices that are inflicted upon the students, whether the dilemmas be internal or external. Each show usually ends with a substantiated moral or lesson resulting from such aforementioned situations. The show is based on the children's book The Kids from Room 402 by Betty Paraskevas and Michael Paraskevas. It was developed for television by Cindy Begel and Lesa Kite who wrote all 52 episodes.
20 Episodes
E01 Son of Einstein
Jesse is tired of failing math. When it is time for the class to get new math books, instead of getting a student's text, he gets a teacher's edition with all the answers! Instead of reporting this, he uses this, only bringing his D minus average to an A average. When Jesse competes with Penny in math for an award at school for Monster Land tickets, he, of course, beats her by one point. When he finds out Penny's sick aunt died without Penny getting to say goodbye, he starts to feel guilty.......NOT FOR LONG! He says, ""I'm goin' to Monster Land!"" Just as Jesse is about to receive his award, Mister Besser decides to give him a tough math question to show everyone his ""genius,"" which Jesse couldn't figure out, he crashed and burned, forced to give the award to Penny.
August 29, 2000
E02 Welcome to Safety Corner
Nancy returns from her trip to Mexico ready to show off her tan and her new charm bracelet, but when class starts the kids are more interested in the choosing of the new crossing guards. When Miss Graves selects Polly and Arthur as the new guards, the kids soon discover that both her choices are a nightmare to have helping you cross the road. While Polly insists that every student learns the seven safety tips, Arthur begins charging people to cross at his corner. When Polly is almost hit by an ice-cream truck, Miss Graves learns that Arthur has been charging and forces him to use the money to buy Polly a get well present and when Arthur gets to the crossing the next day, he learns that crossing lights have been installed. Meanwhile Nancy's good luck bracelet goes missing and she tries to find out who has stolen it, only to discover that it was never stolen in the first place, it just got misplaced in her coat.
September 5, 2000E03 The Used Gum Chewer
During a special assembly Jessie gets hungry and buys a packet of chocolate raisins from Arthur, but by the time the pack reaches him there is only one raisin left. As the documentary film Chinook of the North starts, most of the kids fall asleep until Vinnie sees a scene where the Eskimos all strip their clothes off. The film is immediately stopped but everybody is talking about what would have happened in the rest of the film. Back in class Jessie gets so hungry that he ends up eating a used piece of gum from under his desk, but Freddie sees him and soon the whole school is laughing at him. While Jessie tries to make people forget that he is a ""used gum chewer"", Arthur organises a secret screening of Chinook, but the rest of the film turns out to be just as boring as the beginning was and all the kids demand their money back. The next day lunch is cancelled because of a fire in the kitchen and as Miss Graves leaves the room, Jessie teases the other kids by pretending to eat more of t
September 12, 2000E04 The One Man Committee
Nancy is excited when she gets a Fish Book Baggie Baby from the local store, but when she gets to school she finds out that all the other girls bought the Caterpillar design and hides her own bag, embarrassed that it is different. When class starts, Miss Graves has to pick the three students to do a report on Columbus and teams up Jessie with the two smart kids, Polly and Freddie. While Polly and Freddie argue over who will do which part of the report, Jessie does everything he can to get out of doing any work at all. The next day at school, Penny arrives wearing a small fur hat and all the girls love it deciding to get them after school, but in an attempt to be more popular Nancy claims to already have one. When all her attempts to get one of the small hats fails, Nancy ends up with a really big hat that everybody makes fun of, but she ignores the insults and tries to convince everyone that it's a new trend. However when Nancy arrives at school the next day having trimmed her hat down
September 19, 2000E05 The Half Wit
Arthur loses his ring, but when he goes to the lost and found office to try and find it he finds himself up against Polly who insists on him filling out sheet after sheet of paperwork and decides that it isn't worth the effort. However when Mr Besser comes back on duty, Arthur takes the opportunity to look for his ring, but rather than taking his own ring he takes somebody else's. Signing up to work in the lost and found office, Arthur volunteer Polly for a role as trash monitor and is soon taking whatever he likes from the collection. However when Miss Graves finds Arthur's ring, he demands it back and realises that what he has been doing is wrong, returning all the lost items to their rightful owners. Meanwhile Jessie becomes funny when he buys a book of 101 insults, but on the eve of Mary-Ellen's party he uses up all of the insults and is instantly booed off stage when his improvisation proves to be the unfunniest thing ever.
September 26, 2000E06 Shy Kidney
As the class prepares to go on a school trip to the museum, Arthur has trouble going to the bathroom while other people are in there. Just before the class boards the bus, Mr Besser introduces Johan, an exchange student who will be going on the trip with Miss Graves' class and Nancy is picked to be his chaperone. The kids prepare to board the bus just as the class chaperone, Jessie's mother, arrives and immediately begins humiliating Jessie with various stories and photographs of him. When the group arrives at the museum, Jessie and Vinnie find themselves trying to escape Mrs McCoy who is desperate to pair up with them and Arthur, still in need of a bathroom, ends up partnered with Freddie. As Arthur searches for an empty bathroom, Freddie finds that he has also become kidney shy and the two desperately seek an empty rest room without success until Miss Graves recommends they visit the fourth floor exhibit on ancient napkins, the only place in the museum with an empty bathroom. Meanwhi
October 3, 2000E07 Is Your Refrigerator Running?
Vinnie and Jessie find a list of teachers' phone numbers and decide to prank their teachers, however after Jessie calls Miss Graves, Vinnie is caught pranking Mr Besser and is forced to be his helper for a week. The next day, Miss Graves asks Jessie what his phone number is and he begins to worry that she is going to phone his mom about the phone pranks. In an attempt to intercept the call, Jessie fakes illness in order to stay home and guard the phone, but when he returns to school the next day he learns that Miss Graves only wanted to call his mom to tell her that he had won the perfect attendance award, but seeing as how he missed school she didn't need to call her. Meanwhile Nancy becomes friends with Polly in order to join Penny on a trip to the International Lithuanian Dance Festival, but when Penny has to stay home sick she refuses to come, not wanting to get in the way of the close friendship that Polly thinks has grown between the two girls.
October 10, 2000E08 The Arthur Kenneth Vanderwall Library
During a visit to the school library, Polly realises how disorganised the librarian Mr Jackson is and volunteers as a Junior Librarian. As Polly begins a strict regime that infuriates the kids, Arthur learns that most of the kids have overdue library books and volunteers to take them off their hands in order to start up his own library. When the others learn of his library they all want to join even though Arthur charges for the books and supplies, but soon Miss Graves stumbles on the library. Polly informs Miss graves that there is no way to tell which books are overdue, nor who has them, and although the suggestion of an amnesty horrifies the Polly, Miss Graves forces Polly to hold one, insisting that she pay the students for each book they return. The next day the class prepares to start a topic on Indians and Arthur buys all the books he can, only to discover that the topic is on the country of India, not the American tribes. As the library amnesty begins, Miss Graves suggests that
October 17, 2000E09 Free Lunch
As lunch time begins again, all the kids are complaining about the awful lunches that their parents have packed, except for Freddie who is looking forward to his lunch until he discovers he has accidentally brought the wrong bag and his lunch now consists of a bag of potatoes. Martha, the dinner lady, takes Freddie over to the kitchen where she gives him one of the spare meals that the teachers usually have, and Freddie comments that it would be great to get a free lunch every day, a comment that intrigues Arthur. The next day, Arthur pretends to forget his lunch and is given one of the teacher lunches and he decides that this is a good idea, doing it again and again. Martha suspects that Arthur isn't really forgetting his lunch but that he is too poor to afford one and so she and some of the other members of staff hold a collection for his family, however when Miss Graves finds out she makes Arthur donate the goods to real poor families. Meanwhile Nancy learns karate in an attempt to
October 24, 2000E10 The Moocher
Nancy arrives at school and immediately begins bragging about her new boyfriend Jeremy, and while the other girls are impressed to begin with, they quickly become bored of Nancy's stories and Tilly begins to doubt that Nancy even has a boyfriend. When Nancy and Jeremy meet up after school she tries to make him change his image and the next day he fails to turn up for their date. When the girls ask to meet Jeremy, Nancy tries to put them off meeting him, worried that he won't turn up, and they become even more certain that Nancy is making the whole thing up. However when the girls eventually do get invited to meet Jeremy, he turns up just as they are leaving, much to the shock of all of them. Meanwhile Jessie starts borrowing Freddie's homework to copy it but is caught out when Miss Graves sets Freddie a special assignment instead of the regular homework.
October 31, 2000E11 The Girl in the Plastic Bubble
As Sports Day approaches, Nancy is sure that she will win all the events she enters, but as the flu season hits she becomes increasingly concerned about falling ill and missing the even. However as she tries to protect herself from the germs she ends up losing every event that she had entered and eventually gives up her principles to take part in the potato sack race with Penny who is ill. Meanwhile Jessie injures his nose while rollerblading and uses the injury to get out of doing schoolwork, however when he makes a miraculous recovery to paticipate in Sports Day, Miss Graves makes him water boy as punishment.
November 7, 2000E12 Over the River and Through the Swamp
During practice for the Chorus recital, the music teacher starts to give birth and practice ends before Arthur can rehearse his solo, and when Mr Besser becomes the new music teacher, things go from bad to worse. However Arthur calls in a few favours and Mr Besser is replaced by the hopeless Mr Jackson who is keen to work on Arthur's solo, until Polly suggests that she and Arthur perform it as a duet. As Arthur grows more and more annoyed with Polly's interfering he decides to change the words, upstaging Polly when the two perform the piece. Meanwhile Jessie cuts the pictures out of the encyclopaedia to get a good grade on his Mammals report, but when his plan to put the pictures back goes wrong, Miss Graves finds out and forces him to clean every book in the library.
November 14, 2000E13 The Camera Loves Freddie
Picture Day arrives and Freddie is really proud of his cowboy shirt until he finds out that Polly is wearing one just like it, but his attempts to hide the fact quickly fail and the class makes fun of him all day. However when it finally comes to taking the picture, Miss Graves positions Freddie behind the board giving the name of the class to avoid him being embarrased by the photo. Meanwhile Jessie fakes an allergic reaction to get out of doing the Science test but is forced to do it anyway and fails miserably.
November 21, 2000E14 The Anti-Mucous Forming, Artery Clogging, Energy Zapping Diet
In order to eat the same foods as Penny, Nancy goes to the health store and ends up being scared into trying a totally healthy diet, and soon all of the girls are eating only healthy foods, resisting temptation to eat their favourite foods. Meanwhile Freddie's birthday approaches and in order to get more tickets during the trip to Monster Land, Vinnie and Jessie persuade all of the other kids not to go, however on their first ride on the Bllod Drainer the ride breaks and they are stuck hanging upside down for three hours. When Freddie comes to school the next day, he brings his cake with him to share with the class and while Vinnie and Jessie are too ill to eat any, Nancy gives up her diet to have a piece.
November 28, 2000E15 Mercury in Retrograde
Nancy has a lot of bad luck and learns that Mercury is in Retrograde. This means she might miss a baseball game, but at 2.15 PM everything will be the same again. And poor Freddie had to go to the toilet, but spoils a bit water on his pants, but the kids believe he was peeing in his pants.
December 5, 2000E16 Bad Seed
The kids are very thrilled to see a new car during their baseball game, until they realize the new car is Mr. Besser's car. He doesn't want the kids to mess with his car. But when Jessie boasts he did it, he is sent to Mr. Karl's class. At first, he thinks it's a nightmare, but because the kids in Mr. Karl's class are dumb, Jessie takes advantage of this punishments and never wants to leave the class. While Jessie is having fun in Mr. Karl's class, the rest of the class is overkilled with fire tests. Arthur knows this and invites kids during the fire tests.
December 12, 2000E17 There Must Be a Pony
Polly becomes popular when she gets a pony, but as the kids all take turns to meet Snowball they find out that it's not as great as they thought as Polly forces them to answer questions on ponies before she will let them near it. Meanwhile Jessie pretends to have sent his book report to his Nanna and Pop-Pop's by mistake to stop Miss Graves from grading it.
December 19, 2000E18 Mrs McCoy's Baby Boy
Jessie's mom finds out that the other boys are bullying him and tries to help him out, but only ends up embarrasing him further. Meanwhile Nancy finds out that Jordan is really rich, but the other girls soon get tired of her bragging.
December 26, 2000E19 Eenie Meenie
The girls get excited when a new ping-pong table is introduced to the playground, but deciding who gets to play first causes problems as each method of choosing meets with conflict from everyone else. Meanwhile Vinny and Jessie pick up some swear words at the arcade and start using them around school
January 2, 2001E20 Bing, Bing, Bing and a Shot
The Squirrel Girls hold their annual cookie-selling contest for two girls to win places at Squirrel Camp, but Nancy's ruthless tactics to go on camp with Penny end up forcing Penny out of the contest, meaning that Polly wins the other place. Meanwhile Jessie is forced to have all of his shots when Polly decides to check out everyone's medical cards.
January 9, 2001Tutenstein
6.7The Triangle
6.2Walter Melon
6.2Scooby's Laff-A Lympics
8.1Mrs. Fazilet and Her Daughters
8.0Veronica Mars
7.8The Tom and Jerry Show
7.7Marvel's Agent Carter
7.5Cobra Kai
8.7Brooklyn Nine-Nine
8.5Squid Game
8.4Game of Thrones
8.5The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
7.6Stranger Things
8.6Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
8.1The Simpsons