Carrusel is a Mexican telenovela, produced by and first broadcast on Televisa in 1989. It covers daily life in a Mexican elementary school and the children's relationships with a charismatic teacher named Jimena. Among other plot devices, it deals with the differences between the upper and lower classes of Mexican society — specifically as seen in a romantic relationship between Cirilo, a poor black boy, and a spoiled rich girl, Maria Joaquina Villaseñor.
Carrusel is a Mexican telenovela, produced by and first broadcast on Televisa in 1989. It covers daily life in a Mexican elementary school and the children's relationships with a charismatic teacher named Jimena. Among other plot devices, it deals with the differences between the upper and lower classes of Mexican society — specifically as seen in a romantic relationship between Cirilo, a poor black boy, and a spoiled rich girl, Maria Joaquina Villaseñor.
Agujetas de Color de Rosa
7.6Qué Bonito Amor
6.9Around the World in 80 Days
8.6Unsolved Mysteries
7.7Falling Skies
7.5Twin Peaks
8.3The Good Doctor
8.5The Boys
8.5Better Call Saul
8.7Stranger Things
8.6Game of Thrones
8.8The Walking Dead
8.1Breaking Bad
8.2Only Murders in the Building
8.5The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel