Tokusou Robo Janperson
Tokusou Robo Janperson was the 1993 installment in Toei Company Limited's Metal Hero Series. The series revolved around Janperson, a robotic detective who patrolled the streets of Tokyo and fought against three different underworld organizations who used super technology to subjugate the masses. Unlike most Metal Heroes, a monster-of-the-week was rarely shown and most of the villains are criminals akin to television police dramas. The name given to this series by Toei for international distribution is Jumperson.
Tokusou Robo Janperson was the 1993 installment in Toei Company Limited's Metal Hero Series. The series revolved around Janperson, a robotic detective who patrolled the streets of Tokyo and fought against three different underworld organizations who used super technology to subjugate the masses. Unlike most Metal Heroes, a monster-of-the-week was rarely shown and most of the villains are criminals akin to television police dramas. The name given to this series by Toei for international distribution is Jumperson.
Dai Sentai Goggle-V
9.0Always a Witch
7.1La Femme Nikita
7.4Choujuu Sentai Liveman
8.2The Odyssey
7.2The Simpsons
8.2Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Money Heist
8.2Stranger Things
8.6Game of Thrones
8.5The Mandalorian
8.4The Walking Dead
8.1Breaking Bad
8.9Black Mirror
8.7The 100
7.9The Seven Deadly Sins
8.4Attack on Titan