An animated anthology paleoart series of short films covering the lives of dinosaurs.
An animated anthology paleoart series of short films covering the lives of dinosaurs.
5 Episodes
Alberta, Canada, 75 million years ago. An old alpha-male styracosaurus defends his territory from a rival male.
September 9, 2021This short film takes place 69 million years ago in Cretaceous Alaska and follows a mother Troodon as she and her brood try to survive the coldest and most desperate times of the year.
October 8, 2021The film takes place 75 million years ago in Cretaceous Alberta and follows a male lambeosaurus searching for a mate during the changing spring season.
December 6, 2021This film is set 85 million years ago in the Niobrara Formation and follows a group of Geosternbergia (Pteranodon sternbergi) trying to hunt during a thunderstorm... but there are dangerous creatures in these Cretaceous seas. This is the fourth short film in my "Dinosauria Animated Series" even though it does not actually feature any dinosaurs.
February 9, 2022This is the fifth short film in my "Dinosauria Animated Series". It is set 66 million years ago in Late Cretaceous North America and covers the dramatic extinction event that wiped out the non-avian dinosaurs.
June 11, 2022