Casting Lady Justice
She is an aspiring actress but works as a criminal investigator. This doesn’t sit well with her — she wants to be a star. So meanwhile she moonlights as a stunt person, and discreetly provides production designers with items from the evidence locker for ’real ambiance’. The heroine is so charming, that everyone, including the audience, forgives her minor misdemeanor. She has a great sense of humor and always finds unorthodox ways to handle dangerous situations and to solve crimes. With a partner who is her complete opposite, they work all kinds of cases. In the end, she realizes that her place is with the police, not with the glamorous world of film, but it takes courage to admit that…
She is an aspiring actress but works as a criminal investigator. This doesn’t sit well with her — she wants to be a star. So meanwhile she moonlights as a stunt person, and discreetly provides production designers with items from the evidence locker for ’real ambiance’. The heroine is so charming, that everyone, including the audience, forgives her minor misdemeanor. She has a great sense of humor and always finds unorthodox ways to handle dangerous situations and to solve crimes. With a partner who is her complete opposite, they work all kinds of cases. In the end, she realizes that her place is with the police, not with the glamorous world of film, but it takes courage to admit that…
Anna Kotova
Анна Шумилина (капитан, опер убойного отдела)
Aleksandr Davydov
Степан Постников (напарник Анны)
Aleksandr Polovtsev
Николай Иванович (дядя Анны, опер на пенсии)
Vasiliy Shmakov
Серёжа Макаренко (сотрудник ДПС)
Nikolay Serdtsev
Быстров М. Ю. (нач. убойного отдела, подполковник)
Dmitriy Kalyazin
Гарик Плюшкин (помреж.)
Artjom Karasev
Миша (однокурсник Анны, сотрудник УСБ)