Digimon Ghost Game
High school freshman Hiro Amanokawa activates a mysterious device left behind by his father called a "Digivice" that makes unknown creatures that cannot be seen by ordinary people, the Digimon, visible to his eyes. This is the story of this other side of the world that nobody is aware of. With their friends, Hiro and Gammamon dive into the mysterious world where these creatures live.
High school freshman Hiro Amanokawa activates a mysterious device left behind by his father called a "Digivice" that makes unknown creatures that cannot be seen by ordinary people, the Digimon, visible to his eyes. This is the story of this other side of the world that nobody is aware of. With their friends, Hiro and Gammamon dive into the mysterious world where these creatures live.
7.9The Seven Deadly Sins
8.4Squid Game
8.8Attack on Titan
8.7Breaking Bad
8.9Solo Leveling
8.5High School D×D
8.6The God of High School
8.2The Walking Dead
8.1Banana Fish
8.6Moon Knight
7.7Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
8.4Super Dragon Ball Heroes
8.5Crash Landing on You
8.3The Misfit of Demon King Academy