Catherine was a Quebec sitcom that aired on Radio-Canada from 1999 to 2003. It tells the story of Catherine, a sexy, epicurean, man-crazy Montrealer in her thirties working at the advertising agency Mirage-Image, as well as the story of her best friend and orderly flatmate Sophie, her landlord Rachel, her ex-boyfriend Pierre and other friends and co-workers.
Catherine was a Quebec sitcom that aired on Radio-Canada from 1999 to 2003. It tells the story of Catherine, a sexy, epicurean, man-crazy Montrealer in her thirties working at the advertising agency Mirage-Image, as well as the story of her best friend and orderly flatmate Sophie, her landlord Rachel, her ex-boyfriend Pierre and other friends and co-workers.
Sylvie Moreau
Catherine Beaulieu
Marie-Hélène Thibault
Sophie Gaucher
François Papineau
Charles Beaudet
Charles Lafortune
Pierre Beaudet
Dominique Michel
Rachel Salvail
Martin Dion
Marc Simard
Brigitte Poupart
Hélène Chevrier
Khanh Hua
M. Ming
Sophie Prégent
Chantal « pas de e »
Jean-François Pichette
Pierre Beaudet
Harry Strandjofski
Le patron de l'agence
Louise Richer
Claude Michaud
Serge Beaudet
Sophie Clément
Michelle Gaucher
Alexandrine Agostini
Claude Legault
Urusei Yatsura
7.6Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Money Heist
8.2The Walking Dead
8.1Game of Thrones
8.5The Mandalorian
8.4The Simpsons
8.0The 100
7.9Stranger Things
8.3Black Mirror
8.3Breaking Bad
8.5Better Call Saul
8.7Squid Game
7.9Peaky Blinders
8.5Sex Education
8.2The Big Bang Theory