The Greg Behrendt Show
The Greg Behrendt Show is a daytime talk show which premiered in syndication on September 12, 2006. The show was distributed by Sony Pictures Television Distribution and was taped at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City. In addition to airing in syndication, the show was carried nationwide over Superstation WGN, which aired the show at 2 PM ET until its final weeks when they moved the show to 2 AM ET. The network replaced the show with The Steve Wilkos Show in the slot following its final episode. The show was also streamed on the Sony website.
The Greg Behrendt Show is a daytime talk show which premiered in syndication on September 12, 2006. The show was distributed by Sony Pictures Television Distribution and was taped at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City. In addition to airing in syndication, the show was carried nationwide over Superstation WGN, which aired the show at 2 PM ET until its final weeks when they moved the show to 2 AM ET. The network replaced the show with The Steve Wilkos Show in the slot following its final episode. The show was also streamed on the Sony website.
Patrick Melrose
8.1Human Planet
8.1Storm of the Century
7.0Game of Thrones
8.3Mozart in the Jungle
7.0Legend of the Seeker
7.4The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
8.0Saturday Night Live
6.9North & South
8.1Alias Grace
7.2Masters of Sex
7.1Better Call Saul
8.7The Dick Van Dyke Show
7.4The Big Bang Theory