Mulligan's Stew
Mulligan's Stew is comedy/drama television series produced by Paramount Network Television that originally aired as a 90-minute NBC television movie on June 20, 1977, and later, as a 60-minute series from October 25, 1977 to December 13, 1977. The series focused on the lives of the Mulligan family. Lawrence Pressman starred as Michael Mulligan, a high school teacher and football coach, and Elinor Donahue played his wife, Jane, who works as a school nurse. The series was set in the fictitious Southern California community of Birchfield.
Mulligan's Stew is comedy/drama television series produced by Paramount Network Television that originally aired as a 90-minute NBC television movie on June 20, 1977, and later, as a 60-minute series from October 25, 1977 to December 13, 1977. The series focused on the lives of the Mulligan family. Lawrence Pressman starred as Michael Mulligan, a high school teacher and football coach, and Elinor Donahue played his wife, Jane, who works as a school nurse. The series was set in the fictitious Southern California community of Birchfield.
Stargate SG-1
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