Follows the search for various cryptozoological creatures and paranormal entities reportedly witnessed around the world.
14 Episodes

E01 America's Loch Ness Monster
Does a giant prehistoric creature lurk in Lake Champlain? The locals nicknamed it Champ. Generations of eyewitnesses rumor to have seen the creature, a dinosaur-like animal, 15-25 feet long most resembling the extinct plesiosaur. Examine the mystery surrounding Lake Champlain as specially designed cameras search for the monster. Existing photographic evidence will also be put to the test.
October 31, 2007
E02 Sasquatch Attack
Does Canada have its own Bigfoot? Owners of a fly-in fishing cabin report attacks by an unknown creature. Can DNA tests on blood and tissue from the alleged beast reveal its true identity? The test results will surprise you. The best evidence available will be examined, from pictures and video, to hair and bones. Scientists will be brought in to tell viewers what the evidence reveals. Discover the truth behind these beasts and take a scientific look at legendary creatures around the world.
November 7, 2007
E03 Giant Squid Found
Is the legend of the Kraken, a tentacled beast as large as a whale, based on myth or a real creature? Take an expedition to the Sea of Cortez, Mexico where fishermen regularly claim to encounter large schools of giant squid. Watch as squid expert Scott Cassel uses lures with built-in cameras in an attempt to video a Kraken-sized squid 1,000 feet below the ocean. What Cassel and his team discover will make history.
November 14, 2007
E04 Birdzilla
Native Americans have long revered huge birds called Thunderbirds. There was a rash of giant bird sightings in Illinois, Texas and Alaska back in the 1970's. A giant bird with a 15-foot wingspan allegedly attacked a small child in Illinois. Could there really be a giant bird or is it mass hysteria? Take a scientific journey and follow the many eyewitnesses' accounts across the country and examine the most compelling evidence.
November 21, 2007
E05 Bigfoot
Bigfoot has been sighted in Washington State more than any other place on earth. Join an all-female expedition as they try to lure a Bigfoot within range of their cameras. The 1967 Patterson footage will be reexamined using digital microscopes that could reveal details that might prove if the beast is real or a hoax.
November 28, 2007
E06 Mutant Canines
Mans best friend is many times our last line of defense. But something strange is killing Fido. In 2006, a rash of pets were killed in Maine and Minnesota by a beast locals describe as a mutant. But there are more than just stories, a creature was hit by a car and the body was found. This strange looking creature will be DNA tested to see what it really is. And two MonsterQuest winter expeditions will be launched to trap other dog killers still at large.
December 5, 2007
E07 Lions in the Suburbs
Attacks by mountain lions make headlines across the U.S. But some people say they are seeing something else...large black cats. From Texas to Minnesota to West Virginia, MonsterQuest will follow the eyewitness accounts and physical evidence of these demon cats. Pictures and law enforcement encounters prove a big black cat is out there but what is it? While they resemble a mountain lion, there is no such thing as a black mountain lion. Bones from a carcass, eyewitnesses claim was a huge black cat, will be put to the DNA test.
December 12, 2007
E08 Giant Fish
The movie Jaws scared an entire generation off of ocean beaches...but there are monsters lurking in freshwater lakes and rivers too. Are these just fish stories or are they real? From the Artic Circle to the Amazon, MonsterQuest will launch expeditions to find the biggest and nastiest giant fresh water fish. From catfish large enough to swallow kids whole to trout as large as a boat. Scientists will deploy giant lures and underwater cameras in a search for monster fish.
December 19, 2007
E09 Swamp Beast
The vast swamps of Louisiana and Florida hide many animals...including a beast locals call The Swamp Creature. At 7 ft tall, with red hair, and a rotten egg smell this beast has been nicknamed The Skunk Ape. For the first time, bloodhounds will be used to track the elusive creature. And sexual ape pheromone chips will be used to guide the bloodhounds to their prey.
December 26, 2007
E10 Stalin's Ape Man
In 2006, the NY times revealed a devilish plan by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin to create monsters by crossing humans with apes. But was it real? And how far did he get? This MonsterQuest scientific journey will travel to Russia to find out. We will also look at the many other efforts, both by man and Mother Nature, to combine the strength of apes with the intelligence of man. This is a real Frankenstein story& from head transplants in the U.S. to cases of ape on human attacks. Man and Apes are not as different as you might think.
January 2, 2008
E11 Creatures from the 4th Dimension
For decades cameras have been capturing images of a flying, torpedo-like creature. So fast it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Some think it is a military weapon, others believe it may be a creature from another dimension. But just what is it? This MonsterQuest scientific journey will use super high speed photography, physics and even a wind tunnel experiment to shed light on a creature simply referred to as Rods.
January 9, 2008
E12 The Real Hobbit
A MonsterQuest expedition will deploy researchers and the latest technology into the jungle, searching for evidence of a creature natives describe as half man, half ape.
January 16, 2008
E13 Giganto: the Real King Kong
This episode was a rebranding of a previous history channel program, it tells the story of Giganto.
January 19, 2007
E14 American Werewolf
Eyewitnesses in Wisconsin and Michigan report seeing a tall hairy man - beast some describe as a dogman...a centuries old legend based on myth, not a real animal. But what are they seeing? MonsterQuest will deploy professional hunters and trackers in an area with recent sightings, armed with a tranquilizer gun. And for the first time eyewitness accounts will be put to the test, using polygraphs and hypnosis&the results will astonish.
January 23, 2008The Middle
7.6Mysteries at the Museum
9.1Breaking Bad
8.0Stranger Things
8.6Black Mirror
8.3Game of Thrones
8.5Prison Break
8.1The Haunting of Hill House
8.3Rick and Morty
8.7The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
8.7The Mandalorian
8.4Twin Peaks
8.3The Big Bang Theory