In the hilarious first series produced by Grindr, Jimmy Fowlie stars as Terry, the man-of-honor intent on stealing away his best friend Judith’s husband-to-be before the couple can make their vows.
6 Episodes
Meet Terry, the man-of-honor intent on stealing away his best friend Judith's husband-to-be before the couple can make their vows.
August 14, 2021Terry has words with the maid of honor and sets up a secret rendezvous with the groom that doesn’t go as planned. Get ready for drama, chaos, and butt stuff (mostly butt stuff).
August 14, 2021The bride has a breakdown before her bridal boudoir photoshoot (it’s a real thing) and Terry must join forces with his nemesis to save the day. Meanwhile, the wedding interns discover that the groom has an absolutely massive…secret.
August 14, 2021Terry throws a Titanic themed Bachelorette party with an ice luge, sexy strippers, and…sabotage? The maid of honor spills a major spoiler and sinks the entire evening.
August 14, 2021It’s her party and she’ll cry if she wants to. Turns out, she does! Can Terry stop being a whore long enough to save the wedding?
August 14, 2021It’s giving finale. Will the bride and groom say ‘I do’? Is monogamy real? Is Terry still gay and awful? All will be revealed…
August 14, 2021