Scott Pape's Money Movement
Season 12021
Scott Pape, the Barefoot Investor, dedicates his time to improving the financial literacy of Australian children.
Scott Pape, the Barefoot Investor, dedicates his time to improving the financial literacy of Australian children.
3 Episodes
Scott Pape, the Barefoot Investor, is on a mission to improve the financial literacy of Aussie kids. With a receptive group of teachers and students in his home town of Ouyen, Scott road tests his jam jar project.
April 28, 2021Scott and his friend Nazeem have launched his Money Movement program and it's in full swing. The pilot will be trialled in 10 schools across the country, starting with Sandy Strait State School.
April 28, 2021Scott's movement is coming to its end and he's learned many valuable lessons from the classroom trials. Now it's time to head to Canberra and convince the treasurer that he should support his Money Movement.
April 28, 2021