Thief Takers
Thief Takers was a police drama series made by Central Independent Television for the ITV network. The show depicted the work of a team in the Metropolitan Police Service's Flying Squad. Each case was a stand alone episode or sometimes spread over two episodes and continuing drama was provided by the depiction of the personal lives of the officers in the team and their families. Production comprised a pilot aired in 1995 followed by the commissioning of three series between 1996 and 1997.
Thief Takers was a police drama series made by Central Independent Television for the ITV network. The show depicted the work of a team in the Metropolitan Police Service's Flying Squad. Each case was a stand alone episode or sometimes spread over two episodes and continuing drama was provided by the depiction of the personal lives of the officers in the team and their families. Production comprised a pilot aired in 1995 followed by the commissioning of three series between 1996 and 1997.
Russian Dolls: Sex Trade
7.5Money Heist
8.2Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Stranger Things
8.6The Mandalorian
8.4The Walking Dead
8.1Game of Thrones
8.5Black Mirror
8.2The Simpsons
8.0Breaking Bad
8.9Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
7.0The Queen's Gambit
8.3Attack on Titan
8.7Young Sheldon
8.1The Seven Deadly Sins
8.2The 100
7.9Squid Game