Neebs Gaming - Ark Survival Evolved
Follow the crew of Neebs Gaming and witness their victories, epic fails, absurd and hilarious commentary on their many adventures through Ark: Survival evolved!
Follow the crew of Neebs Gaming and witness their victories, epic fails, absurd and hilarious commentary on their many adventures through Ark: Survival evolved!
46 Episodes
Thick sits down with Neebs and Appsro to see if he can get them interested in playing ARK: Survival Evolved. This is an early access survival game so the frame rate is not the best and some of the animations are kinda wonky. Nonetheless, we need to know if you want to see Neebs get in to this new game!
June 28, 2015Neebs and Thick get into Ark: Survival Evolved and show you the basics. Also, an unexpected guest shows up.
February 20, 2016A complete guide on how to tame a Parasaur in Ark: Survival Evolved. Also a guide on how to not get along with your friends. What do you want us to tame next?
February 29, 2016An unexpected event has devastated our hut, so we look to rebuild. In the process, we encounter our greatest challenge yet; a megalodon. Turns out we have bait!
March 5, 2016Neebs and the guys set out to tame a Trike but a random encounter with a Titanboa changes plans.
March 12, 2016Mating trikes, a mysterious island and a dangerous cave await Neebs and the guys but they're boat encounters something more dangerous in Ark: Survival Evolved.
March 19, 2016Seems like nowadays everyone wants to get high. So we set out to tame some Pterodactyls in Ark: Survival Evolved.
March 26, 2016We're back in Ark: Survival Evolved and we're moving out to find a new base of operations. When we finally find a place we have an insane encounter with something we've never seen before.
April 2, 2016An attempt to travel north lead us to our first encounter with a T Rex.
April 9, 2016A mysterious mountain and a deadly Sarco put the guys face to face with an Alpha Raptor!
April 16, 2016Our second encounter with a T Rex leads to a new member of the tribe. See how we did it.
April 23, 2016Appsro finds himself in peril during a visit to the north.
April 30, 2016We're back in Ark: Survival Evolved and go hunting for the Argentavis. Meanwhile a familiar face returns!
May 7, 2016We're back in Ark: Survival Evolved and get ourselves into one of the biggest messes we've ever been in.
May 14, 2016It's Shark Week and there are Megalodons everywhere!
May 21, 2016One of the most gruesome Dire Bear attacks in Ark: Survival Evolved! Who's fault was it?
May 28, 2016We go deep into a cave to find one of the keys to summoning the Broodmother!
June 4, 2016Neebs and the others discover a secret world in the Center Map!
June 10, 2016Come see the miracle of making a baby!
June 25, 2016We finally get some serious firepower!
July 2, 2016We're back in the Center Map in Ark: Survival Evolved and locate a secret ice cave. Neebs also locates a new way to make Thick angry.
July 16, 2016In hopes to one day summon a boss, we venture to a hellish cave to find the artifacts that will unleash it.
July 23, 2016The hunt for Ark's artifacts continues in not one, but two caves this time!
July 31, 2016We awake to find our birds dead and gone. This needs to stop lets build a fortress to protect them while making a few new friends on the way!
August 6, 2016It's time to ride as a pack, a Wolf Pack!!!
August 13, 2016After last episodes cliff hanger, we head out to explore this mysterious monkey castle!
August 20, 2016Continuing the adventure for Arks coveted artifacts, the crew sets out to explore their biggest cave yet!
August 27, 2016The crew heads out on an adventure just to see what they can find and what they find is a new friend!!!
September 3, 2016We take our first look at the Ark: Survival Evolved Scorched Earth DLC.
September 10, 2016The team test's out their new friend and makes some more on the way!!!
September 17, 2016What are the best dinosaurs to have in Ark: Survival Evolved? Thick sits us down and gives us his top 10. Tell us what your favorites are.
September 24, 2016The crew heads back to what is shaping up to be their toughest cave adventure yet!
October 2, 2016After 2 failed attempts at the center maps Ice Cave the crew puts together a plan that can't fail... right?
October 8, 2016Ark Survival Evolved Best Weapons / Tools - Beginner
October 14, 2016The crew sets out once more to hunt for artifacts to get the best lighting possible for their castle.... oh and something about a boss!
October 22, 2016Neebs and the gang need a change of pace, so they head to the beach and go on a little vacation!
October 29, 2016Last time on Ark the new shark Kitten was murduered by a sea creature. Now it's time to make that creature pay!!!
November 5, 2016A dream comes true as the crew finally gets a pack of wild frogs!
November 12, 2016With the company of their new Frogs the crew sets out fulfill a long awaited dream...... to Lick A Beaver!
November 19, 2016The time has come to get the final artifact to summon a boss!
November 26, 2016With all the Artifacts gathered the team begins preparing for the main event... A Boss Fight!!!
December 3, 2016Today is all about taming new friends!!!
December 10, 2016It's time to take on the bosses of the Ark!!!
December 17, 2016After a crushing defeat, the team tries to build back up.
December 24, 2016With the faith of the server still in the air, the team sets out on what might be their last adventure!
December 31, 2016It's the last day on the Center, but one last mission must be completed!
January 9, 2017