Best Ed
Best Ed is a Canadian animated television series created by Rick Marshall. The series premiered in 2008 on Teletoon. The series chronicles the adventures of an overly helpful and enthusiastic dog named Ed and his best friend, Doug the squirrel, whom everyone calls "Buddy" because Ed refers to him as best buddy. They live in their fictional hometown of Swellville. Best Ed is produced by 9 Story Entertainment and animated using Adobe Flash software.
Best Ed is a Canadian animated television series created by Rick Marshall. The series premiered in 2008 on Teletoon. The series chronicles the adventures of an overly helpful and enthusiastic dog named Ed and his best friend, Doug the squirrel, whom everyone calls "Buddy" because Ed refers to him as best buddy. They live in their fictional hometown of Swellville. Best Ed is produced by 9 Story Entertainment and animated using Adobe Flash software.
Seán Cullen
Ed (voice)
Patrick McKenna
Buddy (voice)
Sarah Commisso
Betsy (voice)
Tessa Marshall
Buster (voice)
Kedar Brown
Mr. Thursty (voice)
Carolyn Scott
Miss Fluffé (voice)
Peter Keleghan
Jeff Lumby
Julie Lemieux
Peter Wildman
Jamie Watson
Rob Tinkler
Peter Oldring
Family Guy
7.4Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Breaking Bad
8.9Black Mirror
8.3Money Heist
8.2Stranger Things
8.6Game of Thrones
8.5The Walking Dead
8.1The Simpsons
8.0The Mandalorian
8.3The Seven Deadly Sins
8.7The 100
7.9Attack on Titan
8.7Twin Peaks
8.2The Queen's Gambit