Special Agent Oso
Special Agent Oso is a Disney Channel interactive animated series created by Ford Riley. Special Agent Oso hit the air on April 4, 2009 with a six episode block, and the companion 15-episode series Three Healthy Steps first aired from February 14 to February 27, 2011. The program was originally part of the Playhouse Disney block intended for preschoolers. On February 14, 2011, it was moved to the Disney Junior block that served as Playhouse Disney's replacement. It is shown on Mini CITV and ITV1 at 06:35am Sundays. The show will stay on Disney Junior because it is one of the main shows shown on Playhouse Disney.
Handy Manny
6.4The Powerpuff Girls
7.5Phineas and Ferb
7.9Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Money Heist
8.2Game of Thrones
8.5The Walking Dead
8.1The Mandalorian
8.4Stranger Things
8.6The Simpsons
8.0Breaking Bad
8.3Black Mirror
8.3The 100
8.7Obi-Wan Kenobi