Eternal Boys
“The Mature Idol Project” - The latest project proposed by Manpuku Entertainment Productions, in a bid to revive the company. Experienced in the successes and failures of the business world, 6 middle-aged men now face the many hurdles of age and physical ability, whilst pursuing their goal to become idols. In an effort to prove that old dogs can learn new tricks, and that you can still learn to shine no matter your age, these middle-aged men, at the end of their ropes, are taking a stand!
Jing-Ju Cats
9.0Одна родина. Весілля
10.0The Slippery Path
8.7Sweet Kaaram Coffee
6.2La primera vuelta al mundo
7.5Stories From The Stone Age
6.0Mother Of The Bride
5.7Pokemon to doko iku!?
9.0Kourtney & Khloé Take the Hamptons
6.1Grey Rainbow
3.8Tokyo Dogs
7.3El conquistador
7.0Headless Chickens
6.6Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years
1.0MosGaz. Delo N8: Zapadnya
8.7Love Storm