Clémentine was a 1985 French animated television series. The series consisted of 39 episodes which featured the fantastic adventures of a 10-year-old girl who uses a wheelchair. The show was produced by "IDDH", a company that originally started out producing French-dubbed versions of Japanese anime. It originally aired on Antenne 2. The series was released on VHS in 1990 and on DVD in 2006.
Clémentine was a 1985 French animated television series. The series consisted of 39 episodes which featured the fantastic adventures of a 10-year-old girl who uses a wheelchair. The show was produced by "IDDH", a company that originally started out producing French-dubbed versions of Japanese anime. It originally aired on Antenne 2. The series was released on VHS in 1990 and on DVD in 2006.
Don't Look Now!
7.5Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Money Heist
8.2The Walking Dead
8.1Breaking Bad
8.9The 100
7.9Stranger Things
8.6The Seven Deadly Sins
8.4Attack on Titan
8.7The Mandalorian
7.5Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
7.0The Queen's Gambit
8.5Young Sheldon
8.1Black Mirror
8.3W: Two Worlds Apart
8.7Game of Thrones