It Might Be You
It Might Be You is a Filipino drama series produced and aired by ABS-CBN. The series revolves around Lawrence and Cielo, who've known each other since they were little and fell in love. The series ran from December 8, 2003 until December 10, 2004.
It Might Be You is a Filipino drama series produced and aired by ABS-CBN. The series revolves around Lawrence and Cielo, who've known each other since they were little and fell in love. The series ran from December 8, 2003 until December 10, 2004.
John Lloyd Cruz
Earl Lawrence M. Trinidad
Bea Alonzo
Cielo San Carlos / Cielo Lacuesta
John Prats
Gian Carlo Pablo / Gian Carlo Lacuesta
Maja Salvador
Cara Victorino
Tirso Cruz III
Ernesto Lord Trinidad
Maritoni Fernandez
Frida Montegracia-Trinidad
Jean Garcia
Orlanda Mae "Ola" Lacuesta
Gardo Versoza
Camilo San Carlos
Sarsi Emmanuelle
Guadalupe "Lupe" San Carlos
Bodjie Pascua
Eseng San Carlos
Lani Mercado
Farrah / Nena
Baron Geisler
Derek Castro