Season 12005
A series of animated films exploring various bizarre scenarios and the illogic of dreams.
6 Episodes
E01 Lice Pictures
You can never have enough lice pictures.
May 30, 2005E02 Ptikobj
Beware of the persistent tape salesman.
September 12, 2005E03 10 Different Types of Soup
The boy is lost. He's on the posters. A lady keeps getting soup stolen. Typical day.
October 1, 2005E04 Socklops
One side of your hip makes you bigger and one makes you smaller....
January 8, 2007E05 Three Skins Without Men
Two young children are controlled by a severed head.
August 22, 2012E06 Sock Six
A story about a man and his special Jentical and bovine adventures.
October 31, 2020