Quaq Quao
Quaq Quao was an Italian animated television series for children based on the adventures of a duck. The series consisted of 26 episodes of 5 minutes duration. It was filmed using stop-motion with origami figures and was written and directed by Francesco Misseri with music by Piero Barbetti. Quaq Quao was produced by L + H Films in 1978. It was first broadcast in Italy in 1980
Quaq Quao was an Italian animated television series for children based on the adventures of a duck. The series consisted of 26 episodes of 5 minutes duration. It was filmed using stop-motion with origami figures and was written and directed by Francesco Misseri with music by Piero Barbetti. Quaq Quao was produced by L + H Films in 1978. It was first broadcast in Italy in 1980
D'ZRT 2023
8.0Total Drama World Tour
8.1Maharaj Ki Jai Ho
8.0Classic Quotes by Xi Jinping
6.0Shall I Compare You To a Spring Day
4.7Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action
6.0Ice Cold Gold
6.0This Hour Has 22 Minutes
6.7Postcards from Buster
8.3The Message
7.9Golden Trio
6.1On Thin Ice: Putin v Greenpeace
7.0Nestlé Nesvita Women of Strength 09
10.0Unbelievable Tales
8.0Soul Eater Not!
5.9My Sibling's Romance
9.04 Reasons Why I Hate X-Mas
7.0I Am Not an Animal