A seemingly ordinary traffic accident led to multiple forces being involved. While everyone rushed to investigate the truth a series of unexpected situations broke out. The crisis hidden behind the unsettled case exceeded everybody's imagination...When human beings are busy exploring their limits, they are not aware of standing at the crossroads of evolution once again, and a magnificent Big Era began...
A seemingly ordinary traffic accident led to multiple forces being involved. While everyone rushed to investigate the truth a series of unexpected situations broke out. The crisis hidden behind the unsettled case exceeded everybody's imagination...When human beings are busy exploring their limits, they are not aware of standing at the crossroads of evolution once again, and a magnificent Big Era began...
We Never Learn
8.5Aunty Donna: Glennridge Secondary College
9.5Magical Sempai
8.3Infinite Stratos
7.7The Seven Deadly Sins
8.4Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
7.1Dimension W
6.8Candle in the Tomb: The Worm Valley
7.2Ushio and Tora
8.1In Flanders Fields
8.1Eek! The Cat
8.2Demon Lord, Retry!
7.8Gold Rush
7.0Are You Lost?
8.0ORESUKI Are you the only one who loves me?
2.6Gintama: The Semi-Final
7.9Remake Our Life!