Explore the wonderful world around us with Kit and Pup as they learn about everything from bubbles to trees. Perfect for inquisitive little minds!
52 Episodes
Today Kit and Pup are exploring the opposites High and Low. They start at the swimming pool. Kit is on the high diving board and Pup is on the low diving board. Kit and Pup then try to find as many high and low things as they can. In the live-action investigation, Kit and Pup help the little investigators discover if the tallest person can always jump the highest. And in the stop-motion moment, a young investigator goes up and down on a moveable chair.
July 9, 2018Today Kit and Pup are exploring the opposites Light and Dark. They start by going camping. Pup is trying to sleep in the dark but excitable Kit keeps turning on the light. Kit and Pup then try to find as many light and dark places as they can. In the live-action investigation, Kit and Pup help the little investigators make shadows using torchlight. And in the stop-motion moment a young investigator is blowing out birthday candles, causing the room to go dark.
July 10, 2018Today Kit and Pup are exploring the opposites Rough and Smooth. They start by roller-skating in the park. Kit is skating on the smooth path, but Pup is having difficulties skating on the rough, bumpy path. Kit and Pup then try to find as many rough and smooth surfaces as they can. In the live-action investigation Kit and Pup help the little investigators sort rough and smooth objects. And in the stop-motion moment a rough avocado transforms into a smooth pear.
July 11, 2018Today Kit and Pup are exploring the opposites Thick and Thin. They start by painting. Pup is painting very neat thin lines with a paint brush and Kit is painting messy thick lines with a wide decorator's brush. Kit and Pup then try to find as many thick and thin objects as they can. In the live-action investigation Kit and Pup help the little investigators sort thick and thin objects. And in the stop-motion moment a row of books orders itself from thick to thin.
July 12, 2018Today Kit and Pup are exploring the opposites Open and Close. They start by trying to pack a suitcase. Pup manages to close it neatly, but then Kit overloads it with clothes and the suitcase keeps popping open. Kit and Pup then try to find as many things being opened and closed as they can. In the live-action investigation Kit and Pup help the little investigators find matching pictures of open and closed objects. And in the stop-motion moment a paper butterfly opens and closes its wings.
July 13, 2018Today Kit and Pup are playing musical instruments. Can you hear who is playing the loud instrument and who is playing the quiet instrument?
July 16, 2018Today Kit and Pup are at the beach. Can you see which objects are floating and which objects are sinking?
July 17, 2018Today Kit and Pup are in their garden. Can you see if their paddling pool is full or empty?
July 18, 2018Today Kit and Pup are at the beach. Can you see who is carrying the heavy object and who is carrying the light object?
July 19, 2018Today Kit and Pup are playing with a cardboard box. Can you see who is playing inside and who is playing outside the box?
July 20, 2018Today Kit and Pup are playing in the snow. Can you see whether they are pushing or pulling the sledge?
July 23, 2018Today Kit and Pup are cycling. Can you see who is riding the long bike and who is riding the short bike?
July 24, 2018Today Kit and Pup are at the beach. Can you see who is wet and who is dry?
July 25, 2018Kit and Pup are at the park. What can you see that is liquid and what can you see that is solid?
July 26, 2018Today Kit and Pup are pirates! Can you see if the treasure chest is near their pirate ship or far away from it?
July 27, 2018Today Kit and Pup are cleaning windows. Can you see if Kit is going up or down on the platform?
July 30, 2018Today Kit and Pup are having a race. Can you see who is cycling on the flat path and who is cycling up the steep hill?
July 31, 2018Today Kit and Pup are skiing. Can you see who is making straight lines in the snow and who is making wavy lines?
August 1, 2018Today Kit and Pup have a found an accordion. Can you see if it is stretchy, squashy or both?
August 2, 2018Today Kit and Pup are out and about. Can you see who stops at the traffic lights?
August 3, 2018Today Kit and Pup are on a rollercoaster. When the rollercoaster goes up the slope, can you see if it's moving fast or slow?
August 4, 2018Today Kit and Pup are at the beach. Can you see if the beach is hot or cold?
August 5, 2018Today Pup is at the beach and Kit is in the snow. Can you see who has the melting ice cream and who has the frozen lolly?
August 6, 2018Today Kit and Pup are out and about. Can you see who is going over the bridge and who is going under the bridge?
August 7, 2018Today Kit and Pup are at the swimming pool. Can you see who is on the lilo and who is off it?
August 8, 2018Today Kit and Pup are at the park playing with a tennis ball, a basketball and a beach ball. Can you see which is the biggest ball and which is the smallest?
August 9, 2018Kit and Pup are dressing up and creating their own fashion show. But what will they do when Pup's fabric trousers rip on the catwalk? Through their adventures Kit and Pup find out that fabric can be lots of colours, can come in lots of textures and can be sewn together.
August 10, 2018Kit and Pup are playing with a metal suit of armour. But when Kit puts on the armour she discovers that metal can be very heavy!
August 11, 2018Kit and Pup are using a chisel and hammer to carve a stone statue. But when Kit's impatience gets the better of her the carving doesn't quite go to plan.
August 12, 2018Kit and Pup are trying to make a chair from pieces of wood, but Pup's ability to read instructions leaves a lot to be desired.
August 13, 2018Kit and Pup are ice-skating, but when Pup's nerves get the better of him how will Kit give him the confidence to skate like a champion?
August 14, 2018Kit and Pup are painting a picture on a big canvas, but their enthusiasm often results in more paint off the canvas than on.
August 15, 2018Kit and Pup are making different things out of paper. Pup loves to make paper aeroplanes and origami animals whereas Kit gets frustrated that her creations don't turn out as perfectly as Pup's.
August 16, 2018Kit and Pup have found a floor-length mirror, and Kit soon discovers she can use her reflection to play tricks on Pup.
August 17, 2018Kit and Pup are playing with differently shaped cardboard boxes, but whenever they stack the boxes, the tower eventually falls over. What could be going wrong?
August 18, 2018Kit and Pup are washing their car using sponges and buckets of water, but can they clean the car without soaking themselves?
August 19, 2018Let's find out about plastic with Kit and Pup! In this episode Kit and Pup explore the issues surrounding plastic and the reasons to recycle, reduce or reuse. On the beach, they see a plastic bottle wash up on the shore. They decide to clean up the beach and go on a hunt for a recycling bin. Through their adventures Kit and Pup find out that whilst plastic is tough and waterproof, not all plastic can be recycled, which is why we are trying to use less of it. In the live action investigation a little scientist explores the varying properties of different types of everyday plastic objects.
August 20, 2018Let's find out about wool with Kit and Pup! Pup is using a ball of wool to knit a hat for Kit, but he can't seem to knit the correct size. Then he gets carried away and knits a pile of woollen clothes that are a lot more than Kit needs! Through their adventures Kit and Pup find out that most wool comes from sheep, wool can be colourful and wool can be knitted into things. In the live action investigation two little scientists discover how to use wool to weave a picture, and in the material world a little explorer peeks out from inside a ball of wool.
August 21, 2018Let's find out about shells with Kit and Pup! Kit is building a sandcastle using small shells she has found on the beach. But how many other types of shells can she and Pup find on the sand? Through their adventures Kit and Pup find that shells come in lots of different shapes, can be bumpy and can be a home to animals. In the live action investigation a little scientist looks at a collection of shells and identifies the biggest, smallest and matching pair of shells, and in the material world a little explorer waves from the top of a large conch shell.
August 22, 2018Let's find out about water with Kit and Pup! Kit and Pup have discovered a leak! They try lots of ways to collect the water but the leak won't stop. What should they do? Through their adventures Kit and Pup find out that water can be poured, can be see-through and can make things wet. In the live action investigation a little scientist drops objects into salty water and tap water to compare the difference.
August 23, 2018Let's find out about water with Kit and Pup! Kit and Pup are pirates on a sandy beach on the lookout for treasure. They search up and down the beach, but where will they find the buried treasure? Through their adventures Kit and Pup find out that sand is made of lots of tiny grains, can be poured and can be moulded into different shapes. In the live action investigation two little scientists use buckets and spades to compare the difference between wet and dry sand, and in the material world a little explorer waves from behind lots of tiny grains of sand.
August 24, 2018Kit and Pup find a magnet and explore how it attracts metal. But when Pup finds a second magnet, they learn that two magnets may not be better than one!
August 25, 2018Kit is trying to make a clay model of Pup, but Pup keeps changing his pose, which results in a squishy, squashy mess. But when the clay starts to harden they need to find an inventive use for their misshapen model.
August 26, 2018Kit and Pup have found a rubber ball and discover that the harder they throw it, the more it bounces.
August 27, 2018Kit and Pup are drawing colourful pictures with sticks of chalk, but they are puzzled to see their pictures rub away when they brush against them.
August 28, 2018Kit and Pup are blowing bubbles, but whilst Pup is able to blow lots of bubbles, Kit's impatience means she gets frustrated when she can't.
August 29, 2018Pup has been shopping for fruit, but whenever he puts the fruit in a bowl it keeps disappearing. Who could be taking the fruit?
August 30, 2018The soil is too hard to dig, so Kit and Pup need to come up with a solution.
September 1, 2018Kit and Pup are gardening, but when Kit sees that Pup's freshly dug vegetables are bigger than hers, she is determined to find her own giant one.
September 2, 2018Kit and Pup are walking in a forest. They are looking for a tree that matches a picture in their book, but they soon find that not all trees look the same.
September 3, 2018Kit and Pup are looking after the flowers in their garden, but Kit's enthusiasm results in a few mishaps with the flowers.
September 4, 2018Kit and Pup are celebrating Christmas and finding out about snow! They go sledging, have a snowball fight and make a snowman. Through their Christmassy adventures, Kit and Pup find out that snow is cold, comes from the sky and is made of snowflakes. In the live action investigation two little scientists watch what happens to snow when it gets warm, and in the material world a little explorer waves from the top of a ball of snow.
September 5, 2018