Miriam Margolyes: Australia Unmasked

Season 12022

Miriam Margolyes is back on the road, heading west along the bottom of Australia, to understand what the Fair Go means in Australia today and how it is playing out in the diverse lives of her fellow citizens.

3 Episodes

    E01 Episode 1

    Starting in Tasmania, Miriam Margolyes is confronted with the complexities of Tasmania's rich history. She navigates these confronting themes all while meeting those still fighting for a 'fair go'.

    July 19, 2022

    E02 Episode 2

    Miriam Margolyes travels through Victoria, attending polo matches and bogan burnouts, to explore what class looks like in Australia and how much it shapes our expectations and opportunities.

    July 26, 2022

    E03 Episode 3

    On this last leg of her journey, Miriam Margolyes travels through South Australia to learn what the 'Fair Go' means to the most vulnerable in society today.

    August 2, 2022