Based on Mo Shu Bai's novel of the same name, the story follows Liu Yuru, the daughter of a cloth merchant who suffered from a young age. She is married off to notorious playboy Gu Jiusi, who looks down on her. However, Liu Yuru decides to learn business from Gu's mother and becomes adept at it. She changes her view of Gu Jiusi and discovers his pure and sincere side. Meanwhile, the commander of Yangzhou causes chaos, forcing Gu's family to flee. Gu Jiusi matures and becomes the Minister of Revenue, working to lighten the tax burden on the people. Liu Yuru establishes a women's charity and builds business relationships to bring prosperity to the people. Together, they create a prosperous era.
Based on Mo Shu Bai's novel of the same name, the story follows Liu Yuru, the daughter of a cloth merchant who suffered from a young age. She is married off to notorious playboy Gu Jiusi, who looks down on her. However, Liu Yuru decides to learn business from Gu's mother and becomes adept at it. She changes her view of Gu Jiusi and discovers his pure and sincere side. Meanwhile, the commander of Yangzhou causes chaos, forcing Gu's family to flee. Gu Jiusi matures and becomes the Minister of Revenue, working to lighten the tax burden on the people. Liu Yuru establishes a women's charity and builds business relationships to bring prosperity to the people. Together, they create a prosperous era.
Bai Jingting
Gu Jiusi
Song Yi
Liu Yuru
Liu Xueyi
Luo Zishang
Zhang Haowei
Ye Shian
Ray Zhang
Zhou Ye
Zhao Ziqi
Jiang Rou
Shaogang Zhang
Wang Shanquan
Yi Sha
Gu Langhua
Hu Ke
Zhang Yue'er
He Shengming
Jiang He
Zhang Yanyan
Su Wan
He Zhonghua
Fan Xuan
Wang Ce
King Liang
Wu Mian
Old Madame Ye
Zhang Chenghe
Zhou Gao Lang
Kong Lin
Empress Dowager
Cheng Zi
Princess Yun Shang
Zhao Yuanyuan
Qin Wanzhi
Zhang Weina
Ye Yun
Wang Ruizi
Xi Feng
Aimee Xu
Yin Hong
Zhang Xilin
Liu Xuan
Ding Yongdai
Li Rong
Wang Jiusheng
Third Master Zhao
Li Xinze
Shen Ming
Nie Zihao
Chen Xun
Terry Guo
Yang Wen Chang
Zhao Huanran
Fan Yu
Deng Kai
Wang Rong
Mengqi Lin
Liu Siyu
Zhang Tingfei
Yun Yun