The Universe & I
The Universe & I presents was an educational series produced by Kentucky Educational Television (KET) targeting middle school grades.
The Universe & I presents was an educational series produced by Kentucky Educational Television (KET) targeting middle school grades.
20 Episodes
Describes how scientists use the scientific method to develop and modify theories
Uses the legend of the lost continent of Atlantis in demonstrating the theory of plate tectonics, giving evidence of continental drift and directing attention to the possibility of a dynamic interior
Uses a story involving a newspaper reporter and a meteorologist in giving the causes of a winter storm which occurred in the Cannon Mountain skiing area of New Hampshire
Presents an imaginary journey in which a young man learns about the universe and his place in it, including views of nebulae, black holes, binary stars, and other phenomena
Recounts the explorations of the South Pole by Roald Amundsen of Norway and Robert Falcon Scott of Britain, using original photographs to investigate why Amundsen's preparations proved successful and why Scott's failed. Focuses on the many life-support systems that must be considered for surviving in a hostile environment
Uses a ballad about a man who does not want things to change in considering the many dynamic forces at work on the Earth which constantly change its surface features, building up and leveling the face of the landscape
Presents basic planetary life support principles and man's potential impact on other planets with a tale about an experiment to create an atmosphere for human habitation on another planet which ends in killing an intelligent life form already there
Uses the setting of a halftime demonstration at a football game to show the actions of atoms and molecules and their relation to the four states of matter, chemical reactions, and the formation of hydrocarbons
Presents a story about a small stained glass business's use of things taken from junkyards in demonstrating the success with which creative people can use recyclable materials
Presents a story about a skilled pinball player and his experiences with an unusual pinball machine which demonstrates the four dimensions--position, two-dimensional motion, three-dimensional motion, and time
Introduces the basic concepts concerning gravity and man's attempts to deal with and eventually escape it
Demonstrates the basic laws of relativity and physics by presenting a story about a filmmaker who, in making a science fiction movie, learns about time lapse in communications across great distances, spaceship power devices and travel at or near the speed of light
The Interior Motive is the 13th episode of this series. Filmed in 1975, and updated in 1987
January 1, 1976Uses a story about an unusual store, the "Star Mart," in order to provide information about the variety of stars in the universe
Uses a story about two astronauts lost in space to present the basic principles of orbital mechanics, demonstrating that orbits are the result of a balance between gravitational attraction and inertial motion
Uses a story about a space laboratory of the future to introduce the electromagnetic spectrum and its effects and uses for mankind
Introduces the solar system, indicating currently known facts about it and questions which remain unanswered
Demonstrates how fossils are formed and dated by presenting a story about a wealthy woman who hires a private investigator to determine the value and age of an object she has just obtained
Considers cities of tomorrow and scientific and technological alternatives for meeting future needs in the areas of power, energy, transportation, and communication
Introduces oceanography by presenting a story about a search for a sunken ship. Reveals the complexity of the ocean environment, the effects oceans have upon Earth systems, and the scientific and economic potential of the oceans