Backyard Science
Backyard Science is an Australian educational children's television show based on the Dorling Kindersley books. In this series, children experiment with everyday items in order to make something fun and practical and also provide scientific insights in a child's world. The show is co-hosted by Tarun Victor Gordon and Dana Kronental, is co-produced by Beyond Television Productions and Penguin Television and airs on Australian free-to-air television on both the Seven Network and ABC. The series was composed of more than 78 episodes. Jason Smith was a presenter for some time. It was broadcast in the USA under the title Crash! Bang! Splat! on the former Discovery Kids Channel.
Backyard Science is an Australian educational children's television show based on the Dorling Kindersley books. In this series, children experiment with everyday items in order to make something fun and practical and also provide scientific insights in a child's world. The show is co-hosted by Tarun Victor Gordon and Dana Kronental, is co-produced by Beyond Television Productions and Penguin Television and airs on Australian free-to-air television on both the Seven Network and ABC. The series was composed of more than 78 episodes. Jason Smith was a presenter for some time. It was broadcast in the USA under the title Crash! Bang! Splat! on the former Discovery Kids Channel.
NCIS: New Orleans
7.3Ash vs Evil Dead
7.7Elfen Lied
8.3Mr. Robot
8.6Private Practice
7.5DreamWorks Dragons
7.7Super Dragon Ball Heroes
7.6Hawaii Five-0
7.8Ben 10: Alien Force
8.3Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
8.2A Love So Beautiful
6.5Dark Desire
7.3Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma