Ruby is an American reality-documentary television series on Style. The series debuted on November 9, 2008 and follows the life of Ruby Gettinger who lives in Savannah, Georgia as she attempts to lose weight. On December 12, 2011, it was announced that Style has passed on a fifth season order of the series and it has since been cancelled.
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim
7.0My Love From Another Star
8.3Descendants of the Sun
8.4Amor Real
7.7Chicago P.D.
7.0Breaking Bad
8.9The Three Sides of Ana
7.1Don't Mess with an Angel
7.5Steven Universe Future
8.2Betty in New York
8.0It's Okay to Not Be Okay
8.6Sky of Love: Someone I love is there
7.6Naked and Afraid XL
7.1She Was Pretty
8.3El Chapulín Colorado
8.0Hi Bye, Mama!
8.1The Last Czars
7.3The Falcon and the Winter Soldier