The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin
The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin is an American animated television series based on Teddy Ruxpin, an animatronic teddy bear created by Ken Forsse and distributed by toy manufacturer Worlds of Wonder. While some of the stories used in the TV series were adapted from the books, many were original and greatly expanded upon the world established there.
Le Flambeau, les aventuriers de Chupacabra
7.0All Round to Mrs. Brown's
7.9Wounded Birds
7.1‘Pedazo de acordeón’, un viaje a través de la historia del vallenato
6.9La Pícara Soñadora
7.0V: The Final Battle
7.2The Perfect Couple
6.8WWE SmackDown
7.4Lo imperdonable
6.9Rosa Salvaje
8.0I Woke Up a Vampire
7.4Chicago P.D.
8.4The Trusted
8.7Storm Over Paradise
7.2Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter
8.0Murdoch Mysteries
7.7The Day of the Jackal
8.3El secretario
7.9Dark Fate