Rokudo's Bad Girls
The story follows Tо̄suke Rokudо̄, a timid high school boy who gets bullied by delinquents. He receives a scroll from his late grandfather, leaving a mark on his forehead. The mark's effect causes a delinquent girl named Ranna Himawari to fall in love with him.
The story follows Tо̄suke Rokudо̄, a timid high school boy who gets bullied by delinquents. He receives a scroll from his late grandfather, leaving a mark on his forehead. The mark's effect causes a delinquent girl named Ranna Himawari to fall in love with him.
Gen Sato
Tosuke Rokudo (voice)
Sumire Uesaka
Ranna Himawari (voice)
Naomi Ohzora
Sayuri Osanada (voice)
Yuki Yomichi
Azami Himeno (voice)
Misato Matsuoka
Tsubaki (voice)
Hitomi Sekine
Mizue Tsuyukusa (voice)
Haruki Ishiya
Haruya Iinuma (voice)
Daiki Yamashita
Douji Matsugamiya (voice)
Mayuko Kazama
Yui Yashiya (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa
Masaru "Colonel" Hinomoto (voice)
Akira Ishida
Kouta "Manager" Kijima (voice)
Reina Ueda
Raino Sumire / Kazeno Sumire / Amano Sumire (voice)
Hiroki Nanami
Aoi Furukawa (voice)
Yuri Komagata
Erika Otohime (voice)
Ryota Takeuchi
Wakanosuke Hando (voice)
Shinya Takahashi
Kohei Akai (voice)
6.0A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life
5.5Second Life
7.0Chouriki Sentai Ohranger
7.7The Most
6.0Legally Blind
7.0The Last of Us Development Series
9.5The Dumplings
5.0Docteur Dassin, généraliste
7.0Total Drama World Tour
8.1Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home
8.0The Sky is the Limit
7.0Golf Battle: Birdie Buddies
3.2Web Junk 20
9.3Sparrow's Hotel