A comedy drama that tells the lives of online motorcycle taxi drivers and all OK-Jek office staff, events and issues surrounding their lives are always full of humor and entertainment.
114 Episodes
The beginning of Iqbal's origins when he joined an online motorcycle taxi company, OK-JEK
December 28, 2015Mulyadi's two missions, the first is to seek sustenance and the second is to fulfill his son Boni's wishes to find his birthday cake.
February 5, 2018Mulyadi is confused about his favorite child, Boni, who wants to celebrate his birthday with a Captain America themed cake. Remembering the incident where Bonie, who was crying on her birthday, actually got a Doraemon-themed birthday cake, Mulyadi will not give up on getting a Captain America birthday cake for his beloved Boni.
February 12, 2018Mbak Prima is always proud of the business she has started so far, namely OK-JEK, but Mbak Prima still remembers her father's message not to be complacent and continue to want to work for society.
February 19, 2018Beta is proud to be a new permanent employee at OK-JEK, remembering his mother's message from his hometown to work in Jakarta so he can bring his artist wife home to his hometown.
February 26, 2018