The soap opera follows the story of young Aurélia Camargo (Norma Blum), a girl who falls in love with the ambitious young journalist Fernando Seixas (Cláudio Marzo), who also falls in love with her, but rejects her when he receives an invitation to marry Adelaide (Fátima Freire), the daughter of Tavares do Amaral (Felipe Wagner), a wealthy banker. Feeling abandoned by her great love, Aurélia dreams of one day having him back. Until, when she turns 18, she is surprised with an inheritance from her grandfather, and becomes a very rich woman, allowing her to create her own rules for her life. However, for the society of the time, it was not good form for a woman to enjoy such independence. For this reason, Aurélia begins to rely on a distant relative, Dona Firmina Mascarenhas (Zilka Sallaberry), to act as her mother, and on the administrator Mr. Lemos (Alberto Perez), to guide her in business. So, she sees a great opportunity to have Fernando in her life again.
The soap opera follows the story of young Aurélia Camargo (Norma Blum), a girl who falls in love with the ambitious young journalist Fernando Seixas (Cláudio Marzo), who also falls in love with her, but rejects her when he receives an invitation to marry Adelaide (Fátima Freire), the daughter of Tavares do Amaral (Felipe Wagner), a wealthy banker. Feeling abandoned by her great love, Aurélia dreams of one day having him back. Until, when she turns 18, she is surprised with an inheritance from her grandfather, and becomes a very rich woman, allowing her to create her own rules for her life. However, for the society of the time, it was not good form for a woman to enjoy such independence. For this reason, Aurélia begins to rely on a distant relative, Dona Firmina Mascarenhas (Zilka Sallaberry), to act as her mother, and on the administrator Mr. Lemos (Alberto Perez), to guide her in business. So, she sees a great opportunity to have Fernando in her life again.
Norma Blum
Aurélia Camargo
Cláudio Marzo
Fernando Seixas
Alberto Pérez
Zilka Salaberry
Firmina Mascarenhas
Osmar Prado
Torquato Ribeiro
Lúcia Alves
Fausto Rocha
Alfredo Moreira
Paulo Ramos
Eduardo Abreu
Fátima Freire
Adelaide Amaral
Felipe Wagner
Tavares do Amaral
Cleide Blota
Maria do Carmo
Miriam Pires
Dona Camila
Elisa Fernandes
Ivan Setta
Afonso Tadeu
Nestor de Montemar
Ida Gomes
Roberto Bolant
Emílio Camargo
Gracinda Freire
Cléa Simões
Chica Xavier
André Valli
Antônio Pompêo
João de Deus
Carlos Duval
Paulo Fortes
Pietro Mário
Maria do Rocio
Lísia Soares
Darcy de Souza
Talita Miranda
Roberto Murtinho
Pedro Camargo
Antônio Victor
Lourenço Camargo
Norma Sueli
Solange Radislovich
Aurimar Rocha
Moacyr Deriquém
professor de Afonso Tadeu
Juan Daniel
Mary Daniel
Vanda Costa