
Season 12019

The story of the lives of teenagers Dam and Liza in the metropolis

20 Episodes

    E01 The kid’s have matured

    December 26, 2019

    E02 Planet asshole

    E03 Episode 3

    E04 Episode 4

    E05 Episode 5

    E06 Episode 6

    E07 Episode 7

    E08 Episode 8

    E09 Episode 9

    E10 American boy

    E11 Gary the platypus

    E12 Chin up, Nikitosik!

    E13 A period, instead of a comma.

    E14 I'm a mega star?

    E15 Star Disease Virus

    E16 Crying for techno

    E17 First kiss

    E18 Run away from me!

    E19 Forward march

    E20 Rest in peace