Border Guard
The story follows Avi (Ben Sultan), a young man from the Tel Aviv suburb of Bat Yam, who finds himself embroiled in affairs with local Arabs from Jaffa. He joins the Israeli Border Police to settle scores with them, and quickly becomes an effective and respected police officer, while also falling in love with a border policewoman, who is a pacifist. But his past is constantly catching up with him to remind him that he will never change.
The story follows Avi (Ben Sultan), a young man from the Tel Aviv suburb of Bat Yam, who finds himself embroiled in affairs with local Arabs from Jaffa. He joins the Israeli Border Police to settle scores with them, and quickly becomes an effective and respected police officer, while also falling in love with a border policewoman, who is a pacifist. But his past is constantly catching up with him to remind him that he will never change.
My Only Love Song
8.2Dance Moms
8.1The Moon Embracing the Sun
7.9The Real Ghostbusters
7.7Flower Boy Next Door
8.2Doctor Who
7.5Personal Taste
7.9Every Witch Way
8.1Justice League
8.1Queen of Tears
8.3Ku'damm 59
7.7Touch Your Heart
8.3Hawaii Five-0
7.8BTS In the SOOP
8.5Top Chef VIP
6.2The Middle
8.2Rocko's Modern Life